Table of Contents

Papers submitted for Neurospora Newsletter #31:

Afanasieva, T.P., S. Yu. Filippovich and M.S. Kritsky - An increase of NAD+ kinase activity in Neurospora cells during adaptation to environmental stress. pg 19.

Burnes, P.A., J.H. Kinnaird and J.R.S. Fincham - Neurospora crassa suppressors act on amber. pg 20.

Chambers, C., R.J. Crouch and S.K. Dutta - Cloning of the rDNA repeat unit: An EcoRI fragment spanning the entire nontranscribed spacer region of Neurospora crassa wild type strain 74A. pg 20.

Davis, R.H. - Transformation and reversion: Pitfalls imposed by heterokaryosis. pg 21.

Devchand, M. and M. Kapoor - Preparation of a cell-free translation system from a wild type strain of Neurospora crassa. pg 22.

Harding, R.W., D.Q. Philip, B.Z. Drozdowicz and N.P. Williams - A Neurospora crassa mutant which overaccumulates carotenoid pigments. pg 23.

Kiss, A., A. Zsindely, M. Schablik and G. Szabo - Effect of sorbitol, L-sorbose and inositol on myo-inositol-1-phosphate synthase activity in Neurospora crassa strains. pg 25.

Prade, R.A. and H.F. Terenzi - Excretion of low molecular weight, folin-positive metabolites by the female receptor mycelium, in response to mating. pg 26.

Ram, S., B.G. Nair and H.S. Chhatpar - Phosphate mediated changes in fatty acid composition in Neurospora crassa. pg 28.

Scheideler, L., B. Hahne and H. Ninnemann - Rapid degradation of FAD following lysis of Neurospora crassa cells: Consequences for evaluation of flavin composition in vivo. pg 28.

Technical Notes:

Callaway, J.C. and D.L. Mattern - Conidial harvest from solid media using fiberglass screening. pg 32.

Feher, Zs. - Construction of a Neurospora crassa gene library in a cosmid vector. pg 32.

Hasunuma, K. - A simple method to isolate mutants in repressible cyclic phosphodiesterase in Neurospora crassa. pg 33.

Metzenberg, R.L., J.N. Stevens, E.U. Selker and E. Morzycka-Wroblewska - A method for finding the genetic map position of cloned DNA fragments. pg 35.

Paietta, J.V. and G.A. Marzluf - Development of a colony hybridization technique for Neurospora. pg 40.

Paietta, J.V. and G.A. Marzluf - Transformation of lithium acetate-treated Neurospora with minipreps of plasmid DNA. pg 40.

Perkins, D.D. - Advantages of using the inactive-mating-type a^m1 strain as a helper component in heterokaryons. pg 41.

Selitrennikoff, C.P. - Use of partially purified Polyoxin B for forming protoplasts. pg 43.

Selitrennikoff, C.P. and R.E. Nelson - Putative transformation of Neurospora os-1 protoplasts by a plasmid containing a G-481 phosphotransferase gene. pg 43.

Teaching notes:

Graham, K.M. - Ordered tetrads from fl x cys-3. pg 45.


Schroeder, A.L. - DNA polymerase in temperature-sensitive mutants of Neurospora. pg 45.

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