Aspergillus nidulans mutants sensitive to UV and other mutagens (uvs andmus mutants)

FGSC number: A139
Genotype: adE20 biA1;wA3;methG1 pyroA4;uvs-5
Linkage groups: IR IR;IIL;IVL IVR
Stock no. from other collection: M180
Initials of Depositor: EK
Origin of strain: cross 235
Reference: Kafer 1965. Genetics 52:217-232
FGSC number: A327
Genotype: adE20 biA1;wA3;methG1 pyroA4;uvs5
Linkage groups: IR IR;IIL;IVL IVR;--
Initials of Depositor: RWT
Origin of strain: A139
Mutagen: UV
FGSC number: A328
Genotype: biA1 adE20;methB3;uvsJ1
Linkage groups: IR IR;IVL;--
Stock no. from other collection: 12C5
Initials of Depositor: RWT
Origin of strain: A139
Mutagen: UV
FGSC number: A329
Genotype: adE20 biA1;wA3;uvsH304 methG1 pyroA4
Linkage groups: IR IR;IIL;IVL IVL IVR
Stock no. from Glasgow collection: 422
Initials of Depositor: RWT
Origin of strain: A139
Mutagen: UV
FGSC number: A330
Genotype: adE20 biA1;wA3;uvsH77 methG1 pyroA4
Linkage groups: IR IR;IIL;IVL IVL IVR
Initials of Depositor: RWT
Origin of strain: A139
Mutagen: UV
FGSC number: A331
Genotype: biA1 adE20;methB3;uvsA1
Linkage groups:
Stock no. from other collection: 12B12
Initials of Depositor: RWT
Origin of strain: A139
Mutagen: UV
FGSC number: A333
Genotype: pabaA108 biA1;uvsB110 T2(V;VI)
Linkage groups: IR IR;IVL
Stock no. from other collection: UT501
Initials of Depositor: GJOJ
Origin of strain: pabaA108 biA1
Mutagen: UV
Reference: Jansen 1970 Mut. Res. 10:21-41
Notes: T reported by Kafer 8/88
FGSC number: A334
Genotype: pabaA108 biA1;uvsC114
Linkage groups: IR IR;VIIIR
Stock no. from other collection: UT503
Initials of Depositor: GJOJ
Origin of strain: pabaA108 biA1
Mutagen: UV
Reference: see A333
FGSC number: A335
Genotype: proA1 pabaA125 biA1;pyroA4;uvsD153
Linkage groups: IR IR IR;IVR;VL(?)
Stock no. from other collection: UT517
Initials of Depositor: GJOJ
Origin of strain: proA pabaA biA pyroA
Mutagen: UV
Reference: see A333; also Fortuin 1971 Mut Res 11:149, 11:265
FGSC number: A336
Genotype: proA1 pabaA125 biA1;pyroA4;uvsE82
Linkage groups: IR IR IR;IVR;VR
Stock no. from other collection: UT531
Initials of Depositor: GJOJ
Origin of strain: proA pabaA biA pyroA
Mutagen: UV
Reference: see A335
FGSC number: A389
Genotype: uvsF201 pabaA1
Linkage groups: IL IR
Stock no. from other collection: M1444
Initials of Depositor: EK
Origin of strain: A359 x A567
Notes: uvsB1=uvsF201, first obtained by UV treatment of A361
FGSC number: A561
Genotype: pabaA6 yA2 adE8;uvsB413
Linkage groups: IR IR IL;IVC
Stock no. from other collection: M2531
Initials of Depositor: EK
Reference: Parag & Parag MGG 137:109; 140:275; 155:319
Notes: This is Parag's YP 511Ay Ab reported by Kafer 8/88
FGSC number: A563
Genotype: proA1 pabaA6 yA+ adE20 biA1 (Del IR); Dp(I->II) yA2 biA+;uvsB110;nicA2 riboD5
Linkage groups:
Stock no. from other collection: M2530
Initials of Depositor: EK
Reference: Parag & Parag MGG 137:109; 140:275; 155:319
Notes: This is Parags Duplication YP300/2
FGSC number: A564
Genotype: suA1adE20 yA2 adE20;wA3;galA1;uvsB413;facA303;sB3
Linkage groups: IL IR IR;IIL;IIIL;IVC;VR;VIR
Stock no. from other collection: M2524
Initials of Depositor: EK
Reference: Parag & Parag MGG 137:109; 140:275; 155:319
Notes: This is Parag's YP524
FGSC number: A567
Genotype: uvsF201 riboA1 yA2
Linkage groups: IL IL IR
Stock no. from other collection: M1392
Stock no. from Glasgow collection: 195
Initials of Depositor: EK
Origin of strain: A361
Mutagen: UV
FGSC number: A568
Genotype: yA2;uvsH77
Linkage groups: IR;IVL
Stock no. from other collection: M2346
Initials of Depositor: EK
Origin of strain: A330 x A187
FGSC number: A569
Genotype: riboA1;AcrA1;uvsJ1;chaA1
Linkage groups: IL;IIL;VL;VIIIR
Stock no. from other collection: M2382
Stock no. from Glasgow collection: 514
Initials of Depositor: EK
Origin of strain: A328 x M1421
FGSC number: A570
Genotype: pabaA1 biA1;uvsC114
Linkage groups: IR IR;VIIIR
Stock no. from other collection: M2393
Stock no. from Glasgow collection: 855
Initials of Depositor: EK
Origin of strain: A334 x M2095
Notes: This should be sensitive to MMS; it is not very sensitive to UV
FGSC number: A571
Genotype: pabaA125 biA1;uvsD153;fwA2
Linkage groups: IR IR;VL;VIIIR
Stock no. from other collection: M2398
Stock no. from Glasgow collection: 516
Initials of Depositor: EK
Origin of strain: A335 x M2095
FGSC number: A572
Genotype: anA1 biA1;pyroA4;uvsE182
Linkage groups: IL IR;IVR;VR
Stock no. from other collection: M2403
Stock no. from Glasgow collection: 517
Initials of Depositor: EK
Origin of strain: A336 x M2095
FGSC number: A573
Genotype: AcrA1;uvsB312 pyroA4;riboB2
Linkage groups: IIL;IVC IVR;VIIIR
Stock no. from other collection: M2435
Stock no. from Glasgow collection: 421
Initials of Depositor: EK
Origin of strain: cross 2442
FGSC number: A574
Genotype: riboA1 biA1;uvsD308;chaA1
Linkage groups: IL IL IR IR;VL;VIIIR
Stock no. from other collection: M3628
Initials of Depositor: EK
Origin of strain: cross 2443
Notes: This is a replacement for the original which had fpaB and suadE
FGSC number: A575
Genotype: anA1 yA2;AcrA1;uvsH311;fwA2
Linkage groups: IR IL;IIL;IVL;VIIIR
Stock no. from other collection: M2457
Stock no. from Glasgow collection: 423
Initials of Depositor: EK
Origin of strain: cross 2445
FGSC number: A576
Genotype: AcrA1;uvsH304;chaA1
Linkage groups: IIL;IVL;VIIIR
Stock no. from other collection: M2503
Initials of Depositor: EK
Origin of strain: cross 2444
FGSC number: A577
Genotype: yA2;AcrA1;uvsB110;riboB2 chaA1
Linkage groups: IL;IIL;IVC;VIIIR VIIIR
Stock no. from other collection: M2506
Initials of Depositor: EK
Origin of strain: diploid 2449
FGSC number: A578
Genotype: pabaA1 yA2;uvsJ1
Linkage groups: IR IR;VL
Stock no. from other collection: M2527
Initials of Depositor: EK
Origin of strain: cross 2496
FGSC number: A579
Genotype: uvsA1;adD3
Linkage groups: IR;IIR
Stock no. from other collection: M2527
Stock no. from Glasgow collection: 194
Initials of Depositor: EK
Origin of strain: adD3
Mutagen: UV
Notes: obtained by Kafer from Jansen (strain no U540)
FGSC number: A609
Genotype: uvsB413;riboB2 chaA1
Linkage groups: IVC;VIIIR VIIIR
Stock no. from other collection: M2838
Initials of Depositor: EK
Origin of strain: A612 x A561
FGSC number: A825
Genotype: suA1adE20 adE20 biA1;uvsI501;ssbA1;sB3;choA1;chaA1
Linkage groups:
Stock no. from other collection: B1
Initials of Depositor: HSK
Origin of strain: A168
Mutagen: NG
Reference: Chae & Kafer 1992 Curr Genet
FGSC number: A826
Genotype: suA1adE20 adE20 biA1;uvsB505 ssbA1;sB3;choA1;chaA1
Linkage groups:
Stock no. from other collection: B5
Initials of Depositor: HSK
Origin of strain: A168
Mutagen: 4-NQO
FGSC number: A827
Genotype: suA1adE20 adE20 biA1;uvsB504 ssbA1;cotA1;sB3;choA1;chaA1
Linkage groups:
Initials of Depositor: HSK
Origin of strain: A168
Mutagen: UV
FGSC number: A828
Genotype: biA1;T2(I;III);AcrA1;nicA2;musM225
Linkage groups: VIR (musM)
Stock no. from other collection: EK2755
Initials of Depositor: EK
Origin of strain: A605
Mutagen: G
Reference: Kafer and Mayor 1986 Mutat Res 161:119
Notes: some growth on 0.015% MMS
FGSC number: A831
Genotype: uvsA101;pyroA4;choA1;chaA1
Stock no. from other collection: EK3935
Initials of Depositor: EK
FGSC number: A832
Genotype: pabaA1 uvsB110;nicA2;chaA1
Stock no. from other collection: EK3930
Initials of Depositor: EK
FGSC number: A833
Genotype: pabaA1;choA1;uvsC114 chaA1
Stock no. from other collection: EK3571
Initials of Depositor: EK
FGSC number: A834
Genotype: pabaA1;pyroA4;uvsD153;choA1;chaA1
Stock no. from other collection: EK3811
Initials of Depositor: EK
FGSC number: A835
Genotype: pabaA1;ActA1;uvsE182;choA1;chaA1
Stock no. from other collection: EK3733
Initials of Depositor: EK
FGSC number: A836
Genotype: uvsF201 pabaA1;ActA1;nicA2;sbA3;riboB2;chaA1
Linkage groups:
Stock no. from other collection: EK3813
Initials of Depositor: EK
FGSC number: A837
Genotype: pabaA1;uvsH77 pyroA4;choA1;chaA1
Stock no. from other collection: EK3961
Initials of Depositor: EK
FGSC number: A838
Genotype: pabaA1;AcrA1;uvsI501;choA1;riboB2;chaA1
Stock no. from other collection: EK3547
Initials of Depositor: EK
FGSC number: A839
Genotype: pabaA1;pyroA4;uvsJ1;choA1;choA1
Stock no. from other collection: EK3938
Initials of Depositor: EK
FGSC number: A840
Genotype: pabaA6;AcrA1;musK228
Stock no. from other collection: EK3764
Initials of Depositor: EK
Origin of strain: A605
Mutagen: G
Reference: Zhao & Kafer 1992 Genetics 130:717-728
FGSC number: A841
Genotype: riboA1 adE20 biA2 musL222
Stock no. from other collection: EK3776
Initials of Depositor: EK
Origin of strain: A605
Mutagen: G
Reference: Zhao & Kafer 1992 Genetics 130:717-728
FGSC number: A842
Genotype: riboA1;AcrA1;dilA1;musN227
Stock no. from other collection: EK3005
Initials of Depositor: EK
Origin of strain: A605
Mutagen: G
Reference: Zhao & Kafer 1992 Genetics 130:717-728
FGSC number: A843
Genotype: pabaA6;sbA3;musO226 T2(III;VII) choA1
Stock no. from other collection: EK3753
Initials of Depositor: EK
Origin of strain: A605
Mutagen: G
Reference: Zhao & Kafer 1992 Genetics 130:717-728
FGSC number: A844
Genotype: musP234 T1(VII II) oliC2 pantoB100 nicB8
Stock no. from other collection: EK3844
Initials of Depositor: EK
Origin of strain: A610
Mutagen: UV
FGSC number: A845
Genotype: riboA1 yA2;musQ230;choA1
Stock no. from other collection: EK3707
Initials of Depositor: EK
Origin of strain: A605
Mutagen: G
Reference: Zhao & Kafer 1992 Genetics 130:717-728
FGSC number: A846
Genotype: SulA1 pabaA1 yA2;musR223
Stock no. from other collection: EK3647
Initials of Depositor: EK
Origin of strain: A605
Mutagen: G
FGSC number: A847
Genotype: musS224 T3(III;VII)pantoB100
Stock no. from other collection: EK3758
Initials of Depositor: EK
Origin of strain: A605
Mutagen: G
Reference: Zhao & Kafer 1992 Genetics 130:717-728

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