11th European Conference on Fungal Genetics
Philipps- Universitat Marburg, Germany
March 30- April 2, 2012
Scientific Programme
Keynote & Plenary Lecture Abstracts
Parallel Symposia Abstracts
1. Fungal Cell Biology
2. Sex and Sexual Development
3. Genomes and Genome Evolution
4. Organismic Interactions
5. Mitochondria
6. ROS, Autophagy and Apoptosis
7. Sensing and responding
8. Biotechnology
9. The Fungal Cell Wall
Poster Abstracts
1. Fungal Cell Biology
2. Sex and Sexual Development
3. Genomes and Genome Evolution
4. Organismic Interactions
5. Mitochondria
6. ROS, Autophagy and Apoptosis
7. Sensing and responding
8. Biotechnology
9. The Fungal Cell Wall
10. Other Fungal Features and Oddities