9th European Conference
on Fungal Genetics



5th - 8th April 2008

Edinburgh, Scotland


Keynote and Plenary Address Abstracts


1. Functional and Comparative Genomics
2. Plant-Fungal Interactions 
3. Post-translational Regulation and Signaling
4. Animal-Fungal Interactions
5. Secondary Metabolism
6. Regulation of Gene Expression
7. Fungal Biotechnology
8. Hyphal Growth and Morphogenisis
9. Evolutionary and Population Biology

Poster Sessions

1. Functional and Comparative Genomics, Plant-Fungal Interactions, Postranslational Regulation and Signaling

2. Animal-Fungal Interactions, Secondary Metabolism, Regulation of Gene Expression

3. Fungal Biotechnology, Hyphal Growth and Morphogenesis, Evolutionary and Population Biology

Index of presenting authors

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