Neurospora 2000

Schedule of Activities

Thursday, March 9

3:00-6:00 P.M.
Registration: Administration

6:00-7:00 P.M.
Dinner: Crocker

7:30-10:30 P.M.
Mixer: Fred Farr Forum (formerly Firelight Forum)

Friday, March 10

7:30-8:30 A.M. Breakfast: Crocker

8:30-12:00 Noon Chapel

8:40 Welcome/Introduction (session leader: Michael Plamann)

8:45 David Perkins: Celebrating 75 years of Neurospora genetics

9:00 Nick Read: Imaging the vesicle trafficking network in living Neurospora hyphae

9:25 Louise Glass: Programmed hyphal compartmentation and death in Neurospora crassa

9:50 Frank Nargang: Structure and function of the Neurospora TOM complex

10:05-10:25 Break

10:30 Michael Plamann: Analysis of dynactin and its role in regulating cytoplasmic dynein activity

10:55 Alan Lambowitz: Mitochondrial introns and mitochondrial retroplasmids of Neurospora

11:20 Oded Yarden: Expression and localization of two COT1 kinase isoforms in N. crassa

11:35 Tony Griffiths: Interaction of colonial mutations of Neurospora crassa

11:50 P.M. End of Session

12:00-1:00 P.M. Lunch: Crocker

1:00-2:30 P.M. Free Time

2:30-6:00 P.M. Chapel

2:30 Introduction (session leader: Matthew Sachs)

2:35 Barry Bowman: The vacuolar ATPase is a surprisingly complex enxyme with multiple roles to play in growth and differentiation in fungi

3:00 John Paietta: Regulation of sulfur metabolism in Neurospora crassa

3:15 Bo Feng: A new GATA factor, ASD, regulates sexual development inNeurospora crassa

3:30 Richard Weiss: Regulation of arginine metabolism

3:45-4:05 Break

4:10 Matthew Sachs: Translational control of Neurospora crassa arg-2 by arginine

4:35 Manju Kapoor: Properties and interactions of HSP70 and Hsp80: Heat- inducible, cytosolic molecular chaperones of Neurospora

5:00 Gloria E. Turner: Metabolite regulation of multiple arginases in conidia and early germination of Neurospora crassa"

5:15 Piotr Bobrowicz: Characterization of Neurospora crassa mak-2 gene encoding mitogen- activated protein kinase similar to yeast Fus3 and Kss1"

5:30 Javier Avalos: Search for carotenogenesis mutants, new phenotypes and cloning of the ovc and cut loci

5:45 Robert Metzenberg: hpp, a third phosphate permease gene

5:50 P.M. End of Session

6:00-7:00 P.M. Dinner: Crocker

7:00-10:00 P.M. Poster Session: Fred Farr Forum

Saturday, March 11

7:30-8:30 A.M. Breakfast: Crocker

8:30-12:00 Noon Chapel

8:30 Introduction (session leader: Eric Selker)

8:35 Carlo Cogoni: Neurospora as model system to study homology dependent gene silencing

9:00 Eric Selker: Neurospora as a model system to investigate DNA methylation

9:25 Jak Kinsey: Tad transcription and transposition

9:40 Alberta Rosa: S-adenosylmethionine, DNA methylation and DNA mutation in N. crassa

9:55 Hirokazu Inoue: DNA damage, repair and aging in Neurospora crassa

10:10 Break

10:35 David Catcheside: Events at recombination hotspots in Neurospora and their control

11:00 Robert Metzenberg: Suppression of certain ascus-dominant mutations

11:25 Rodolfo Aramayo: The Transvection Control Region (TCR) of Neurospora crassa

11:40 Edward G. Barry: Detached nuclear genes of Neurospora transmitted cytoplasmically through infectious contact

11:55 A.M. End of Session

12:00-1:00 P.M. Lunch: Crocker

1:00-2:30 P.M. Free Time

2:30-6:00 P.M. Chapel

2:30 Introduction (session leader: Dan Ebbole)

2:35 Jennifer Loros: Feedback loops in the Neurospora circadian system

2:55 Deanna L. Denault: Biochemical interactions between FRQ and WC-2: critical clock proteins required for the normal operation of the Neurospora circadian oscillator

3:10 Christian Heintzen: vvd encodes a novel PAS protein involved in light perception for the Neurospora circadian clock

3:25 Deborah Bell-Pedersen: Control of conidial development by the circadian clock in Neurospora

3:50 Break

4:15 Dan Ebbole: Regulation of macroconidiation by fluffy

4:40 Kathy Borkovich: Signal transduction through heterotrimeric G proteins and opsins in Neurospora crassa

5:05 Chuck Staben: Interaction between and transactivation by mating type polypeptides of Neurospora crassa

5:20 Jin-Rong Xu: The hyper-osmotic stress response pathway of Neurospora crassa is the target of phenylpyrrole fungicides

5:35 Hartmut Linden: Localization and light-dependent phosphorylation of White Collar 1 and 2, the two central components of blue light signaling in Neurospora crassa

5:50 End of Session

6:00-7:00 P.M. Dinner: Crocker

7:00-9:00 P.M. Poster Session: Fred Farr Forum

9:00-12:00 P.M. Party: Fred Farr Forum

Sunday, March 12

7:30-8:30 A.M. Breakfast: Crocker

8:30-12:00 Noon Chapel

8:30 Introduction (session leader: Mary Anne Nelson)

8:35 John Taylor: Phylogenetics of Neurospora and closely related genera

8:50 Mary Anne Nelson: The Neurospora genome project at UNM: Gold from the mold

9:05 Jonathan Arnold: Physical map of Neurospora crassa

9:20 Ulrich Schulte: The German Neurospora sequencing project: Achievements and perspectives"

9:35 Alan Radford The Neurospora gene compendium - lessons from the past and plans for the future

9:45 Genomics Roundtable Discussion led by the Neurospora Policy Committee, the Neurospora Genomics Policy Committee and other members of this session

10:35 Break

11:00 Ad hoc workshops on future genomics projects and other topics.

11:55 End of Session

12:00-1:00 Lunch: Crocker

1:00-2:30 Check-out

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