Protein Secretion -- Cees van den Hondel and David Archer (Chairs)

Dave Jeenes, AFRC, U.K.
Unfolded protein response in Aspergillus.

Peter Punt, TNO, The Netherlands
Protein processing in the secretion pathway.

Bernard Seiboth, University of Wien, Austria
Aspergillus niger sagA, a SEC4-like gene, is required for protein secretion but not for growth on glucose.

3.00-3.30 Tea break

Sue Assinder, University of Wales, U.K.
Role of the Aspergillus nidulans sodVIC (alpha-COP)gene in growth and protein secretion.

Gero Steinberg, University of Munchen, Germany
MyoV, a class V myosin motor, has a central role in morphogenesis of Ustilago maydis cells.

Geoff Turner, University of Sheffield, U.K.
Genetic control of hyphal branching and effects on protein secretion in A. nidulans

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