7th European Conference on Fungal Genetics

Plenary Lecture Abstracts

Workshop I
Medical Mycology
Chair: Neil Gow
  Oral Presentation Abstracts
  Poster Abstracts

Workshop II
Fungal-Plant Interactions
Chair: Henriette Giese
  Oral Presentation Abstracts
  Poster Abstracts

Workshop III
Mating and Sexual Development
Chair: Gillian Turgeon
  Oral Presentation Abstracts
  Poster Abstracts

Workshop IV
Signal Transduction
Chair: Miguel Peņalva
  Oral Presentation Abstracts
  Poster Abstracts

Workshop V
Primary Metabolism and Transporters
Chair: Daniel Ramon
  Oral Presentation Abstracts
  Poster Abstracts

Workshop VI
Fungal Cell Biology
Chair: Nick Read
  Oral Presentation Abstracts
  Poster Abstracts

Workshop VII
Secondary Metabolism
Chair: Christian Hertweck
  Oral Presentation Abstracts
  Poster Abstracts

Workshop VIII
Fungal Cell Factories
Chair: Cees van den Hondel
  Oral Presentation Abstracts
  Poster Abstracts

Workshop IX
Fungal Genomics
Chair: Peter Philippsen
  Oral Presentation Abstracts
  Poster Abstracts

List of Abstracts

Author Index

These abstracts are all in pdf format. You need pdf reader to access them.

They are presented by special arrangement with the conference organizers.

Thanks to the Main Sponsor

Additional corporate sponsors

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Last modified 4/28/04 KMC