Table of Contents

Research Notes:

Temperature sensitivity of a sorbose-resistant mutant
Murayama, T. and I. Ishikawa. NN 24:3

Factors affecting DNA uptake
Aradi, J., M. Schablik, A., Zsindely, A. Kiss, M. Szabolcs, Pl. Elodi and G. Szabo. NN 24:3-4

Changes of the ratio of inl+ and inl- in heterocaryons of spontaneous revertant and by DNA-induced inl+ revertant Neurospora strains
Schablik, M., A. Zsindely, J. Aradi and G. Szabo. NN 24:4-5

Sex-hormones in Neurospora crassa: hormone action is affected by genetic background
Islam, M.S. NN 24:5

Protein synthesis during growth
Bhagwat, A.S. NN 24:5

Altered glycosaminoglycan of the pk mutant
Springer, W.D. and A.M. Srb. NN 24:6

Cold-sensitive growth phenotype of some supersuppressor strains
Russell, P.J. NN 24:6-7

Growth inhibition by adenine in temperature-sensitive mutants
Ishikawa, T. NN 24:7

Ammonium transport using 14C-methylamine as substrate
Maruniak, J.E. and A.G. DeBusk. NN 24:7

On the biosynthesis of carnitine in lys-1 (33933)
Villaneuva, V.R. and K.H.D. Lê. NN 24:8

DNA-dependent DNA-polymerases
Joester, K.E., W.M. Joester and P.H. Hofschneider. NN 24:8

Isolation of myo-inositol-1-phosphate synthetase from wild type and an inositol-less variant
Zsindely, A., M. Szabolcs, J. Ardi, M. Schablik, A. Kiss and G. Szabo. NN 24:8-9

Selection of improved microconidial strains
Munkres, K.D. NN 24:9-10

Failure to induce mutations with amino acid analogs
Baylis, J.R. NN 24:10

Modeling Neurospora growth
Alberghina, L. and E. Martegani. NN 24:10-11

Linkage, Data, Tester Strains and Notes on Stocks:

Evidence confirming location of het-d
Perkins, D.D. NN 24:11-12

Chromosome rearrangements
Perkins, D.D. and E.G. Barry. NN 24:12-13

Map sequences established or confirmed by duplication coverage
Perkins, D.D. NN 24:14

Allelism of ser(JBM-4-13) and ser-2
Maxwell, J.B., G. Ichtertz, M. Jambretz and T. Wohrle. NN 24:14

Linkage testers for genes far from centromere
Perkins, D.D. NN 24:14-15

Methods Notes:

Continuous-flow system for growth
Francis, C.F. and M.L. Sargent. NN 24:15-16

Isolation of Neurospora nuclei
Hautala, J.A. and N.H. Giles. NN 24:16

Details for preparing silica gel stocks
Perkins, D.D. NN 24:16-17

Staining Neurospora nuclei
Iyengar, G.A. and S.K. Sen . NN 24:17

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