Location of mea-1 in LG IL of Neurospora crassa

C.H. Wilson - FGSC, Dept. of Microbiology, Univ. of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City, KS, 66103

mea-1 (methyl ammonium resistant) confers resistance to 50 mM methylamine in nitrate medium. It maps in the vicinity of acr-3 in IL, as indicated in a cross of un-16 acr-3 x mea-1. Scoring was done with 103 un+ spores.

Parental                 Simple recombination 
      ( + + mea )  86     percentages were:
                                  un-mea     13.6
Single crossovers                 un-acr     10.7
      ( + + + )     6             acr-mea     8.7
      ( + acr + )   8

Double crossovers
      ( + acr mea ) 3

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