Cumulative subject index to articles in Neurospora Newsletter (1-32). Entries include those of the indexes published previously in nos. 10 and 20.

Aberrations 429, 431, 454, 458, 581
LG I-> IV translocations 318
LG II-> V translocations 336
map sequences determined by duplication coverage 446
T(IIL;VL)AR30 336
Accelerated growth on lactose (AGL) 55
Acetyl CoA synthetase 188
Acetylornithine transaminase 379
Aconitase 587
Acridine orange 384
Actinomycin D 252, 514
Adenine inhibition of growth 268
Adenylosuccinate lyase 579
Alcohol dehydrogenase 587
L-amino acid oxidase 116
Amino acids - intracellular 28, 144
amino acid analysis 28, 208, 628
effect of copper and managanese 571
excretion 476
transport 147, 487, 617
Aminopeptidase 351
Ammonium transport 349
cAMP 235, 513
Amylases, electrophoresis 178, 215
alpha-amylase 215
gamma-amylase 177
Amylose 362
Aneuploidy 553
Anthranilate synthetase 99
Antimycin 616
Arginase 141, 381
Arginosuccinate synthetase 580, 610
Aromatic biosynthesis 156
Aromatic hydrocarbons, resistance to 207
ARS8 572
Aryl-ß-glucosidase 170
Aryl sulfatase 370, 528, 529
abnormal 559
multispored 198
N. tetrasperma 25, 414
nonlinear 463, 559
collection 408, 428
development 85
prepar. for electron microscopy 52
Ascogonia, induction and development 72
Ascorbate, and protein synthesis 70
color mutants 440, 456, 611
counting 363
dominance modifier of pk 509
germination 128, 130, 551
giant 335
heat activation 80
homokaryotic 284
isolation 470, 471
manipulation 586
rehydration 551
resistance to ethanol 412
round spores not involving R 51
storage 551
viability 80, 398, 412
Aspartate transcarbamylase 140, 203, 249, 366
8-azadenine sensitivity 105
Azide 616
Azocoll 555
Bacteriophage uptake 582
Bead Beater 134
Beadle, G.W. 558
Benomyl 75
effects on lipid content 406
deficiency induced phenocopies 206
uptake and pyridoxine deficiency 29
Blasticidin S, and protein synthesis 423
Caffeine sensitivity 631
L-canavanine sensitivity 105
Carbamyl phosphate synthetase 494
Carbamyl phosphokinase 140
Carbohydrate metabolism
effect of phosphate 554
Carnitine biosynthesis 605, 606
Carotenoid pigments
effect of cAMP on synthesis 235
effect of nitrate reductase on synthesis 64
intermediates 570
in microconidia 596
overaccumulation 236
Catabolite repression 297
Catalase 418
Cellobiase 169
Cellobiose, inducing enzyme activity 507
Cellulase 175
Chloramphenicol sensitivity 110
Chloroneb 224
Chromatin 160
Chromosomes, cytology 50, 612, 613
Circadian periodicity 201, 230, 240, 250, 462, 615
Citrate synthase 188
Classroom experiments 39, 40, 129, 213, 214, 216, 238, 247, 248, 259, 267, 328, 329, 541, 574
Competitive suppression 223
Complementation 540, 541
Concanavalin A agglutination 583
amino acid pool 144
arginine transport 500
aryl sulfatase 528, 529
color 399, 596
counting 209
DNA content 161, 347
effect of redox compounds 306
enzyme activities 123, 203
ethylene glycol treatment 624
adenine auxotrophs 368
effect of carbon sources 307
effect of age 229, 565
of sconc mutant conidia 524
harvesting 89
permeabilization 529
plating 229, 466
preparation of suspensions 151
protein content 124, 277, 525
nuclear number 300, 467, 468
size distribution 209
sonification 211, 296
ultrastructure 596
uptake of DNA 629
antigen 427
effect of cAMP 235
effect of ethylene glycol 624
effect of light 221
effect of medium 196, 197, 233, 367, 594, 595, 597
effect of thiamine 149
enzyme activities 587
induction 221, 316
metabolic control 149
substances produced during 427
trehalose metabolism 233
synchronous development 587
enzyme profiles 587
Coniochaeta kellermanii 129
Cosmid cloning 179, 181
Cross-feeding experiments 402
analysis 326
biochemical differences between mating types 270
female-sterile mutants 71
interallelic 5, 266, 327
effects of mammalian sex hormones 8, 603
effect of medium 270
effect of temperature 585
Neurospora sex hormones 273
heterokaryons with female-sterile 398
methods 330, 333, 465, 474
Cyanocobalamine content 305
Cyclic phosphodiesterase 239, 240
Cycloheximide 514
Cytidylyl transferases 483
Cytochrome c 530
Cytochrome spectra 66, 67, 218
DAHP synthetase 200
control 156
isolation 232
kinetics 156
separation of isozymes 232
2-deoxyglucose resistance 168
Diamidino-2-phenylindole 348
Dicloran 224, 225
Diglutamate synthetase 495, 496
Dimethyl sulfoxide, growth inhibition 12
Disjunction, non-random 575
change in content during growth 407
colony hybridization 419
conidial 161, 347
DNA-RNA hybridization 160
excision repair 152
isolation 35, 78, 113, 121, 165, 180, 319, 372, 405, 563
libraries 179
nick translation 320
polymerases 282, 388, 526
radiolabeling 164, 320, 347, 492
repeat DNA sequences 111, 160, 166
sequence homology among species 112, 162, 387
synthesis 30, 212
transcription, effect of ethylene
glycol 161
uptake 23, 517, 518, 576, 582
effect of polyethylene glycol 576
Dodge, Bernard O. 60, 338, 497
in capillary tubes 401
polyacrylamide gel 186, 354
separation of proteins 506, 567
Endothia parasitica 21
Enzymes - see also individual enzymes
identified as gene products 82
isolation from mycelium 54
separation by acrylamide gel electrophoresis 567
Erythromycin, and protein synthesis 132
Esterases 488, 512
L-ethionine resistance 476
L-ethionine hypersensitivity 105
Ethylene glycol, effect on conidia 624
Excision repair 152
FAD, isolation 522
Fatty acids 196, 486
Fertility see crossing
Filtration concentration 22, 94
Fluorophenylalanine 25, 49, 146
Folylpolyglutamate synthesis 115, 131, 495, 496
Formamidase 200
Fructose diphosphatase 490
effect of pyruvate 355
Fructose phosphorylating enzymes 311
Fumarate hydratase 188, 587
ß-galactosidase 169, 507
pH 4.2 enzyme 283
pH 4.5 enzyme 284
Gelasinospora tetrasperma 612
Gene conversion rate 74
Gene-enzyme correlations 482
6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase 203
Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase 24, 82, 122, 203, 587, 591, 594
ß-glucosidase 507
Glutamate dehydrogenase (NAD) 69, 297, 587
Glutamate dehydrogenase (NADP) 69, 100, 123, 203, 297, 545, 567, 587
Glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase 123
Glutamic acid decarboxylase 123, 228
Glutamine synthetase 297, 298
Glycerol as carbon source 53
Glycine, effect on folylpolyglutamate synthesis 131
Glycogen accumulation 377
Glycosaminoglycan 556
Glycosphingolipids 343
Glyoxalate cycle 187
chemical changes during 407
continuous flow system 193
determinations 76, 127
effect of acridine orange 384
- of antibiotics 13, 109, 514, 623
- of benomyl 75
- of benzalkonium chloride 13
- of cycloheximide 75
- of glucagon 568
- of glycerol 53, 133, 513
- of light 384
- of nitrogen source 43, 234
- of nutrient limitation 191
- of pH 43
- of respiratory inhibitors 386, 616
- of temperature 353
- of tyrocidine 118
- of valine 322
genetic variability 426
inhibition by adenine 268
inhibition by DMSO 12
large scale culture 190, 205
model 17
mycelia and conidia in one medium 31
on complete media 367
on glass surface in liquid 307
perpetual hyphal propagation 364
[poky] mutants 44
production of aerial hyphae 340
rapid production of hyphae 77
suppression on plates 223
survey of potential inhibitors 584
tubes 84, 464
use of long dishes 65
use of shaking cultures 143
Guanosinetetraphosphate 19
incompatibility genes 438
in transformed strains 142, 520, 577
methods 3, 107, 150, 153, 173, 560
nuclear ratios 466
null mating type helpers 451
to improve fertility in crosses 398
to find intragenic double mutants 97
Hexokinase 311
Hexosamine content 406
Hexosemonophosphate shunt 594
Histidinol dehydrogenase 135
Historical accounts 60, 108, 257, 338, 497, 558
Hormones 8, 271, 272, 273, 603
Hybrid strains for transferring genes 370
Immunoprecipitation 204, 237, 638
Inositolless death 350
selection of rare recombinants 499
selection of temperature sensitive mutants 562, 573
Invertase 215, 587
Iprodione 224, 225
Irreparable mutants 256, 301
Isocitrate dehydrogenase 69, 188
Isocitrate lyase (isocitratase) 188, 501, 587, 594, 597
esterases 512
malate dehydrogenase 334, 427
natural populations 488
Kinases 311
Kynureninase 608
Kynureninase-3-hydroxylase 98
L-amino acid oxidase 116
Lactose utilization 55
Lecithin biosynthesis 483
Linkage data 459 also see individual loci
alcoy multiple interchange testers 68, 429, 433, 456
genomic maps 47, 48, 479, 481
group I 4, 436, 458
group II 336
group III 458
group IV 395, 458, 547
group V 102, 103, 458, 548
markers at extreme ends of groups 434, 443, 447, 455
markers near centromeres 441
mitochondrial genome 126
partial diploids 438, 446
Podospora anserina 174
RFLP mapping 373
sequences determined by
duplication coverage 446
Sordaria brevicollis 183
Sordaria fimicola 183
translocations 458
Lipid content, effect of biotin 406
Lithium acetate, in transformation 420
Malachite green 386
Malate dehydrogenase 69, 123, 188 , 334, 390 , 587
isozymes 427
Malate synthase 188
Malonate - effect on conidiation 594
Mapping - sorbose selection technique 10
Mating response, biochemical changes 469
Mating type, biochemical differences 270
Mating type tests 182, 396, 546, 581
growth on 197, 367
conidiation 197, 597
FGSC 415
Fries vol. 10:34
Glycerol minimal 117
Podospora 174
Sordaria 183
Stanford Lab 396
storage of 376
Vogel's vol. 10:34
modified for crossing 511
Westergaard-Mitchell vol. 10:34
Melanins, in microconidia 596
Methods see separate section
Methylamine 349
Methyl-methane sulfonate sensitivity 292
harvesting 57
fl strains 621
frequency of multinucleate 59
germination 245
induction 221
melanins 596
strains producing 449, 456
ultrastructure 341
viability 38, 391
Mite control 369, 569
Mitochondria 589
isolation 231, 324
Mitochondrial mutants
cytochrome spectra 66, 67, 530
growth in liquid media 45
nomenclature 41
phenotype variability 226
ubquinone content 157
Mitomycin D 514
Mitosis in somatic nuclei 34, 601
Modifiers 49, 262, 509
acridines 491
analysis 222, 345
ad-3 test system 374
amino acid analogues 56
bibliography 543
DEB 20, 26
EMS 11, 36, 269, 345
hydroxylamine 345
ICR-170 11, 345, 478
inositolless-death technique 499
interaction treatment 26
nitrosoguanidine 11, 187, 335, 380, 476, 618
nitrous acid 11, 26, 138, 309, 345, 346, 502
4-NQO 88, 635
photoreversal 213
reverse mutation 11, 20, 26, 27, 36, 83, 88, 142, 279, 310, 345, 346
Shell "No Pest Strip" 374
testing 635
use of cycloheximide resistance 58
use of microconidiating strains 57
UV 15, 26, 110, 152, 212, 213, 241, 263, 269, 279, 312, 502, 562, 632
X-rays 147, 269, 502
Mutants see separate section
Mycelia, aerial 340
Mycelial pads, preparation 630
amino acid pool 144, 628
composition during growth 407
cyanocobalamine content 305
glycogen content 377
grinding 170, 176
phospholipid composition 299
suspension sampling 424
Myo-inositol-1-phosphate synthetase 24, 303, 636, 637, 638
effect of inhibitors 304
NADase 255
NAD+ kinase 1
NADH oxidase 587
NAD(P)ase 599
Natural populations
isozyme variation 488
sexual reproduction 475
Neurospora africana 387, 484
Neurospora dodgei 387, 484
Neurospora galapagosensis 484
Neurospora intermedia 112, 370
isolated from soil 421
mutants 544
standard strains 443, 461, 544
stop-start growth 387
surfactant resistance 16
Neurospora interspecific hybrids 371
Neurospora lineolata 387, 484
Neurospora sitophila 29, 112, 305, 370, 384, 560
isolated from soil 421
standard strains 439
Neurospora terricola 260, 484
Neurospora tetrasperma 25, 206, 285, 370, 414, 484
Neurospora toroi 370
Nitrate reductase 64
Nitrogen utilization 73
Nomenclature, genetic 41, 42, 46, 313, 453, 457, 480
Nuclear ratios
in heterokaryons 466, 598
in microconidiating strains 222
use of protoplasts 202
ds-DNase 194
ss-DNase 194
conidial 300
cytology 34, 210, 428, 578
density 578
isolation 242, 319
staining 275, 348, 485
ultrastructure 601
vegetative 32, 33, 34, 195, 601, 613, 622
Nucleosidase 354
David Bonner 6:3
Bruce Eberhart 30:4
William Ogata 30:4
Francis Ryan 4:3
Jesse Singleton 2:3
Edward Tatum 23:3
Mogens Westergaard 23:3
Organelles, isolation 392, 625
Ornithine, in siderophores 119
Ornithine aminotransferase 589
Ornithine transcarbamylase 140, 203, 249, 366
Osmotic mutants,
sensitivity to fungicides 224
Oxygen uptake, effect of ascorbate 70
PEP carboxykinase 188
effect of light on development 484
effectors of development 85
influence of maternal tissue 274
isolating large numbers 288
pigmentation 286
Phenylalanine permease 145
Phosphatase, alkaline 69
Phosphofructokinase 294, 590
Phosphohydrolysases, effect of orthophosphate 588
Phospholipids 196, 299, 400
inorganic 344
total 243, 321, 342
Plasma membrane
fatty acid composition 195
isolation 195
Podospora anserina 62, 174, 342
mitochondrial mutants 63
Polyglutamate synthase 495, 496
Polyphosphatase 344, 588
Position effect 289
Preservation methods
heterokaryons 173, 450
freezing at -20°C 442
freezing at -70°C 535
liquid nitrogen 136, 291, 614, 621
Na2SO4 385
silica gel 81, 106, 315, 416, 417, 448, 552, 621
sucrose solution 337
viability tests 81
Procymidone 224
change during growth 407
determination 525
extraction 189
separation 506, 567
sequence analysis 277
stains 185
synthesis 69, 251, 505
effect of ascorbate 70
effect of Blasticidin S 132
in crib-1 508
Proteolytic enzymes 158, 493
assays 555
isolation 351
ultrastructure 600
counting 154
formation 154, 253
production 254
Polyoxin B 538
production 2, 246, 519, 537
regeneration 202
Puromycin 514
Pyridoxal and biotin content 29
Pyruvate carboxylase 61
Pyruvate dehydrogenase complex 237
Pyruvate kinase 295, 297
Quintozene 224, 225
Race tube racks 352
Recessive lethals 138, 153, 301
effect of ageing 620
effect of chelating agents 473
effect of growth conditions 620
effect of temperature 620
inter-allelic 510
mitotic 96
non-reciprocal 74
plating technique 333
rec mutants 549, 550
reciprocal 74
Replica plating 404, 435
Respiration, cyanide resistant 413
Reverse mutation 20, 26, 27, 36, 279, 345, 346, 521
RFLP mapping 373
isolation 593
production 505
mRNA, cell free translation 155
rRNAs 505, 561
content 18, 407, 602
DNA-RNA hybridization 160
gene sequences 387
isolation 121, 561, 602
synthesis 19, 251
effect of ascorbate 70
in crib-1 508
in rip-1 339
Rubidium choride, induction of circadian conidiation 201
Screening procedures
female sterile mutants 71
filtration enrichment 22, 94, 633
inositolless death 350, 499, 562, 573
tritium suicide 503
Segregation, second division 219, 375
Sexual reproduction in nature 475
Siderophore synthesis 119
Siderophore transport 120
cryopreservation 136, 173, 403, 532, 535, 621
DNA uptake 518
genetic basis 172, 403
preservation via heterokaryons 173, 403
Solid reagent dispenser 555
Sorbose resistance 393
Sordaria brevicollis 183, 619, 635
Sordaria fimicola 183
Sordaria macrospora 183
Spindle aparatus in somatic nuclei 601
Sterilization by microwave 498
Stock cultures
alcoy mult. interchange testers 429
backcrossed 293
double interchange 317
FGSC procedures 415, 416, 417
linkage testers 440, 441, 447
mult. centromere marker strains 472
Neurospora interspecific hybrids 371
non-contaminating, with eas 515
species testers 440
spore color mutants 440
wild types
isogenic OR 293, 397
origins 37, 95, 455
Succinic semialdehyde dehydrogenase 123
Supersuppressors 88, 531
detection of linked suppressors 20
nomenclature 42
Surfactants, resistance to 15, 16
Synaptonemal complexes 210
T(IIL;VL)AR30 336
adaptation to 352
effect on recombination 620
Temperature sensitive mutants 83, 269, 526, 562, 573
dissection 471
explanation of limiting values 219
biosynthesis 437
control of conidiation 149
Thiazoalanine resistance 476
Thiosine resistance 476
Thorazine 616
dTMP requirement 148
Transformation, DNA mediated 142, 383, 518, 521, 577, 582, 629
differences among recipient strains 125
inl 304
lithium acetate 420
os-1 542
Translation, cell free systems 155
amino acids 147, 487, 617
ammonium 349
arginine 500
Trehalase 516, 587, 634
Tris, effect on enzyme structure 40, 295
Trichoderma viride 2
Tryptophan biosynthesis 92
Tryptophan oxygenase 200
Tryptophan pyrrolase 200
5-methyl tryptophan sensitivity 105
Tryptophan synthetase 91, 279
Tyrocidine 118
Tyrosinase 116
induction 137244, 425
rapid assay 199
Ubiquinone content 157
Ultrasonication, effect on enzymes 564
Urease 312, 587
inhibition of synthesis by NH4 523
Valine, effect on growth 322
Vinclozolin 224, 225
Zinc - effect of deficiency 93

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