Method for replica-plating Neurospora
Marta Goodrich-Tanrikulu and Thomas A. McKeon - United States Department of
Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, Western Regional Research Center, 800
Buchanan Street, Albany, CA 94710, U.S.A.
We have found a method to replica-plate colonies of Neurospora crassa which gives more reproducible results than velvet. We obtained exact replicas by overlaying plated conidia (on medium surface or in top agar of sorbose-containing media, i.e., modified Vogel's or synthetic crossing medium) with dry sterilized 0.45 m filters (Millipore HATF,
Triton-free mixed cellulose acetate/nitrate). The colonies grow onto or through the
filters, depending on the duration of contact. The filters can be transferred to new
medium to make replicas, or used for other applications.