A. nidulans bibliography authors and keywords
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- Aspergillus Bibliography Authors
- Adams, T.H. 1 22 129 137 227 228
- Aguirre, J. 113 194
- Aidoo, K.E. 2
- Albertini, A.M. 3
- Aleksenko, A.Y. 4
- Alfonso, C. 5
- Anaya, P. 145
- Andrade-Monteiro, C. 6 7
- Andrianopoulos, A. 8
- Archer, D.B. 9
- Archer, D.B. 184
- Arenos, C. 220
- Arnold, J. 225
- Arst, H.N. Jr.
- Arst, H.N.Jr. 10 11 42 207 210 217
- Aufauvre-Brown, A. 148 198
- Axtell, S.M. 12
- Babudri, N. 13
- Bainbridge, B.W. 14 84 198
- Baldwin, J.E. 213
- Balinska, M. 15 131
- Barnett, Y.A. 56
- Bartnik, E. 24 165
- Batnagar, D. 231
- Bauer, B. 85
- Bayman, P. 47
- Beckwith, S.M. 232
- Begueret, J. 16
- Benicina M. 130
- Bennett, J.W. 17 110
- Berka, R.M. 19
- Bhatnagar, D. 17 110
- Bignell, E. 11
- Bisko, M. 24
- Blyum, Ya.B. 18
- Bodie, E.A. 19
- Bonnefoy, N. 20
- Bonner, C.A. 21
- Borgia, P.T. 22 23
- Borsuk, P. 24
- Bos, C.J. 152 204
- Bothe, H. 109
- Bower, B. 19
- Brandhorst, T. 25
- Brewer, J.F. 231
- Brining, S. 176
- Brooke, A.G. 6
- Brown, N.H. 55
- Brown, R. 33
- Brown, T.A. 27
- Brundell, E. 199
- Brygoo, Y. 156
- Brzywczy, J. 28 163
- Busink, R. 230
- Butchko, R.A.E. 114
- Buxton, F. 105 106
- Buxton, F.P. 216
- Caddick, M.X. 29 30 166
- Calera, J.A. 31
- Calil, M.R. 221
- Campbell, C.K. 32
- Campbell-Platt, G. 46
- Cao, X.F. 235
- Caramori, T. 3
- Cary, J.W. 33
- Cazelle, B. 77
- Cerff, R. 86
- Chae, K.-S. 34 88 89
- Champe, S.P. 35
- Chang, P.K. 17
- Chang, Y. 161
- Chatterjee, M. 36
- Cheetham, B.F. 112
- Chen, H.M. 37
- Chen, Z.L. 235
- Choi, Y. 34
- Christensen, T. 38
- Christgau, S. 39
- Chung, J.H. 89
- Chung, Y.S. 89
- Clave, C. 16
- Cleveland, T.E. 33 95 231
- Clutterbuck, A.J. 40 41 42 43 212
- Coenen, A. 44
- Coggins, J.R. 151
- Cogoni, C. 45
- Cohen, J. 198
- Cole, S.C.J. 213
- Cook, P.E. 46
- Copsey, J. 20
- Cornett, C.A.G. 132
- Cotty, P.J. 47
- Crestani, B. 208
- Croft, J.H. 48 219
- Cubero, B. 77
- Dalbøge, H. 39 49
- Das, T.K. 181
- Davies, R.W. 50
- Davis, M.A. 20 133 229
- De Graaff, L. 68
- De Lucas, J.R. 52 53
- De Pauw, B.E. 147
- de Azevedo, J.L. 73
- de Graaf, L.H. 51 71
- de Queiroz, M.V. 73
- de Vries, R.P. 54
- Dean, R.A. 33 95
- Debeaupuis, J.P. 128
- Debets, A.J.M. 152 204 224
- Debets, F. 44 219 221 223
- Denison, S.H. 145
- Denning, D.W. 87
- Devenish, R.J. 201
- Diallinas, G. 197
- DiDomenico, B.J. 55
- Dodge, C.L. 22
- Donnelly, E. 56
- Doolittle, W.F. 200
- Doonan, J.H. 57
- Dowd, P.F. 226
- Downey, R.J. 58
- Dunn-Coleman, N.S. 19
- Dzikowska, A. 59
- Eagleton, L.E. 22 23
- Ebina, K. 60
- Egel, D.S. 47
- Elias, K.S. 47
- Endow, S.A. 80
- Espeso, E.A. 61 62 210
- Falchtto, R. 107
- Faugeron, G. 178
- Faulds, C.B. 63
- Federici, F. 167
- Felenbok, B. 64 144
- Feng, B. 65
- Fernández, E. 175
- Fernández, F.J. 66 139 220
- Fernández-Cañón J.M. 61 67
- Fernandez-Espinar, M. 68
- Fernández-Monistrol, I. 179
- Ferraz, J.L. 126
- Ferrer, S. 152
- Fierro, F. 139
- Fiett, J. 165
- Fincher, R.R. 236
- Fischer, R. 69
- Flannigan, B. 70
- Flipphi, M.J.A. 54 71 217
- Fondon, J.W.III 228
- Forbes, E. 72
- Ford, C. 37 132
- Forrés. A. 113
- Foutz, K.R. 231
- Friedlin, E. 65
- Fry, A.M. 188
- Fungaro, M.H.P. 73
- Furukawa, K. 82
- Gadd, G.M. 74
- Galizzi, A. 3
- Galván, A. 175
- Garde, J. 75 209
- Garen, C. 176
- Garre, V. 76
- Gavrias, V. 77
- Gedeon, C.A. 58
- Gell, K. 199
- Gems, D. 43
- Gibello, A. 152
- Glatigny, A. 78
- Gloer, J.B. 226
- Gniadkowski, M. 24
- Goggans, K. 96
- Goldman, G.H. 79
- Golz, C. 98
- Gomi, K. 121
- Goodson, H.V. 80
- Goosen, T. 209 215
- Goto, M. 81 82 83
- Govers, F. 168
- Greene, M. 55
- Gregoire, A. 178
- Gregory, S. 52
- Griffen, A.M. 84
- Griffith, J. 225
- Gruver, C. 146
- Gutiérrez, S. 66 138 139 220
- Haas, H. 85
- Habenicht, A. 86
- Hah, Y.C. 125
- Hall, L.A. 87
- Han, D.M. 34 88 89
- Han, Y.J. 88 89
- Hawkins, A.R. 90 91 151
- Hayashida, S. 81 82 83
- Heale, J.B. 84
- Hearn, V.M. 92 93
- Heldt-Hansen, H.P. 49
- Hellman, U. 86
- Hessing, J.G.M. 94
- Heyting, C. 209
- Ho, M.-C. 95
- Hodges, D.W. 96
- Hodges, R.L. 96
- Hoekstra, R.F. 44 97 204
- Hoffmann, T. 98
- Holden, D.W. 99 148 198 207
- Holt, C.L. 145
- Holub, E.F. 204
- Hondmann, D.H.A. 100
- Hoog, C. 199
- Hoogkamp-Korstanje, J.A.A. 147
- Horiuchi, H. 155 234
- Hoskins, I.C. 101
- Howlett, B.J. 229
- Hoyt, M.A. 102
- Huerre, M. 107
- Hynes, M.J. 20 103 104 133
- Ishikawa, T. 182
- Ito, K. 182
- Iwano, K. 182
- Jahng, K.-Y. 34 88 89
- Jarai, G. 105 106 216
- Jaton-Ogay, K. 107
- Jeenes, D.J. 9 184
- Jensen, R.A. 21
- Jonczyk, P. 59
- Joshi, H.C. 108
- Jung, G.H. 119
- Kaldorf, M. 109
- Kale, S.P. 110
- Kanabus, M. 24
- Kang, H.G. 125
- Kang, S.J. 80
- Kanlayakrit, W. 81 83
- Karlin, S. 111
- Katz, M.E. 112
- Kawasaki, L. 113
- Keller, N.P. 114
- Kelly, J.M. 115
- Kelly. R. 116
- Kenealy, W.R. 25
- Kester, H.C.M. 117
- Kevei, F. 219
- Kilmartin, J.V. 118
- Kim, J.H. 34 89
- Kim, S.J. 119
- Kimura, K. 121
- Kincaid, R.L. 176
- Kinghorn, J.R. 75 120
- Kirimura, K. 185
- Kitamoto, K. 121
- Kofod, L.V. 39
- Koga, K. 124
- Kojima, N. 155 234
- Kolaparthi, V.S.R. 196
- Kolattukudy, P.E. 193
- Koltin, Y. 55
- Kondo, H. 60
- Kosalkova, K. 139
- Kovacevic, S. 213
- Kozakiewicz, Z. 122 219
- Kubicek, C.P. 123
- Kucharski, R. 24
- Kumigai, C. 121
- Kusakabe, T. 124
- Kuwano, E. 81
- Kwon, K.-S. 125
- Kwon-Chung, K.J. 161
- Laborda, F. 53 169 179
- Lacava, P.M. 126
- Lacey, J. 127
- Ladunga, I. 111
- Lamb, H.K. 90 91
- Latgé. J.-P. 107 128 208
- Le Caer, J.P. 59
- Leal, F. 31
- Lee, B.N. 129 228
- Lee, J. 125
- Lee, Y.H. 88
- Legisa, M. 130
- Lewandowska, I. 131
- Libby, C.B. 132
- Lints, R. 133
- Litzky, L.A. 150
- Liu, Z.H. 235
- Logsdon, J.M. 200
- López-Medrano, R. 31
- Lou, J.L. 134
- Lu, K.P. 135
- Lupisella, J. 55
- Maat, J. 94
- Maccheroni-Junior, W. 6
- Macino, G. 45
- Mackenzie, D.A. 9
- Makimura, K. 136
- Marcos, A.T. 66 139 220
- Marhoul, J.F. 137
- Markaryan, A. 193
- Martín, J.F. 66 138 139 220
- Martinelli, S.D. 140 141 142
- Martinez-Rossi, N.M. 6 7
- Marzluf, G.A. 65 85 143
- Mathieu, M. 144
- May, G.S. 145 146
- McCullough, W. 56
- McGilvray, D. 96
- McGoldrick, C.A. 145 146
- McGuire, S.L. 236
- Means, A.R. 135 176
- Means, R.L. 176
- Meis, J.F.G.M. 147
- Melchers, W.J.G. 147
- Mellado, E. 148
- Meng, Z.H. 134
- Miao, Y.H. 23
- Miller, J.R. 213
- Mirabito, P.M. 149
- Mischke, M. 159
- Monistrol, I.F. 169
- Monod, M. 107 128 208
- Montenegro, E. 66
- Montone, K.T. 150
- Moore, J.D. 90 151
- Moreno, M.A. 152
- Morikawa, S. 185
- Morpurgo, G. 13 153
- Morris, N.R. 79 232
- Moss, M.O. 154
- Motoyama, T. 155
- Mouyna, I. 156
- Muhlen, G.S. 73
- Mullins, J. 157
- Mungroo, J. 210
- Murayama, S.Y. 136
- Murillo, F.J. 76
- Nagle, D.L. 35
- Nagley, P. 201
- Natorff, R. 15 163
- Nigg, E.A. 188
- Nishiya, N. 182
- Norbury, C. 158
- Nuero, O.M. 5
- Nurse, P. 158
- O'Connell, M.J. 158 159
- O'Neal, K.D. 12
- Ohta, A. 155 234
- Orejas, M. 210
- Osmani, A.H. 159 236
- Osmani, S.A. 149 159 173 236
- Ostreicher, N. 203
- Ovejero, M.C. 31
- Oxenb ll, K. 160
- Paris, S. 107 128 208
- Parta, M. 161
- Pascon, R.C. 73
- Pascual, C. 152
- Paszewski, A. 15 28 131 162 163
- Payne, G.A. 231
- Payton, M.A. 195
- Pearce, A.R. 70
- Peberdy, J.F. 164
- Pedrogosa, A.M. 169
- Pelzcar, P. 165
- Peñalva, M.A. 61 62 67 210
- Peters, D.G. 30 166
- Petruccioli, M. 167
- Phillips, T.D. 114
- Piccioli, P. 167
- Pieterse, C.M.J. 168
- Pimpinelli, S. 13
- Pinaga, F. 68
- Pinto, F. 169
- Pinto-DaSilva, P. 161
- Pires, L.T.D.A. 170
- Pizzirani-Klein er, A.A. 73
- Platt, A. 30
- Podsinelli, M. 167
- Pombeiro-Sponchiado, S. 7
- Pontecorvo, G. 171
- Prade, R.A. 172 225
- Pu, R.T. 173 236
- Puente, P. 31
- Punt, P.J. 174 218 221 222 223 224
- Quadroni, M. 107
- Quesada, A. 175
- Radford, A. 90
- Ramon, D. 68
- Rasmussen, C. 176
- Rech, E. 73
- Redl, B. 85
- Register, E 116
- Reilly, P.J. 37 132
- Reimmann, C. 177
- Reyes, F. 5
- Rhounim, L. 178
- Rice, R.N. 112
- Ried, T. 188
- Ríos, S. 179
- Robbins, P.W. 148
- Roberts, C.F. 91 101
- Roberts, I.N. 184
- Robertson, S. 43
- Rolland, C. 208
- Romano, N. 45
- Roper, J.A. 180
- Rossi, A. 6
- Roza, M. 94
- Rulong, S. 161
- Saha, D. 181
- Sakagami, H. 60
- Sakamoto, S. 182
- Salami, S. 178
- Salvini, D. 13
- Samson, R.A. 183
- Sánchez, O. 194
- Sanchis, V. 184
- Sandal, T. 39
- Santamaría, F. 5
- Sarangbin, S. 185
- Sarfati, J. 128
- Sarkar, S. 210
- Sarr, B. 114
- Scazzocchio, C. 77 78 186 187 203
- Scheider, O. 98
- Schultz, S.J. 188
- Schuren, F.H.J. 189
- Scoffone, F. 3
- Scotti, C. 3
- Scudamore, K.A. 190
- Sealy-Lewis, H.M. 64
- Seitsma, J.H. 93
- Semimaru, T. 82
- Sewall, T.C. 191
- Sikora, E. 131
- Singh, N.K. 192
- Sirakova, T.D. 193
- Skatrud, P.L. 96 233
- Skromne, I. 194
- Smith, D.J. 195
- Smith, J.E. 2
- Smith, J.M. 99 207
- Som, T. 196
- Sophianopoulou, V. 77 197
- Sosa, M. 116
- Specht, C.A. 148
- Spencer, D.F. 200
- Spreadbury, C. 198
- Starborg, M. 199
- Stepien, P.P. 24
- Stöffler, G. 85
- Stolzfus, A. 200
- Stouthamer, A.H. 221 222 223 224
- Straffon, A.F.L. 201
- Strashnyuk, N.S. 18
- Stringer, M. 202
- Suarez, G. 152
- Súarez, T. 203
- Sugimoto, Y. 124
- Sutherland, J.D. 213
- Sutterlin, C. 188
- Swart, K. 204 209 221
- Szablewska, I. 131
- Tahoun, M.K. 205 206
- Takagi, M. 155 234
- Takaya, N. 234
- Tamura, G. 182
- Tang, C.M. 99 207
- Tanigawa, W. 83
- Thau, N. 208
- Thijs, H. 209
- Tilburn, J. 11 210
- Timberlake, W.E. 8 69 172 202 211 212 225
- Tiwary, B.N. 192
- Tobin, M.B. 213
- Togni, G. 107
- Tomsett, A.B. 75
- Tomsett, B. 209
- Torres-Martinez , S. 76
- Townsend, C.A. 36
- Tronchin, G. 208
- Truong, T.M. 12
- Turcq, B. 16
- Turner, G. 52 53 214
- Unkles, S.E. 120
- Usami, S. 185
- Vainstein, M.H. 73
- Valenciano, S. 53
- Valles, S. 68
- van Belkum, A. 147
- van den Berg, P. 223
- van den Berg-Velthuis, G.C.M 168
- van den Broeck, H.C. 51
- van den Broek, H. 215
- van den Broek, H.W.J. 209
- van den Broek, P. 215
- van den Hombergh, H. 106
- van den Hombergh, J.P. 216
- van den Hondel, C.A.M.J.J. 94 174 218 221 222 223 224
- van den Hurk, P. 147
- van der Veen, P. 71 217
- van Diepeningen, A.D. 224
- van Gorcom, R.F.M. 94 218
- van Ooijen, A.J.J. 51
- van Peij, N. 159
- van Rotterdam, C. 94
- van't Klooster, J. 168
- VanEtten, H.D. 177
- Varga, J. 48 219
- Velasco, J. 66 139 220
- Veldhuissen, G. 174
- Verbakel, J.M.A. 94
- Verdoes, J.C. 221 222 223 224
- Verweij, P.E. 147
- Viera de Queroz, M. 203
- Vinas, I. 184
- Virden, R. 151
- Visser, J. 51 54 68 71 100 117 123 216 217 230
- Vriesema, A. 219
- Wang, D.S. 134
- Wang, Y. 225
- Watson, A.J. 184
- Weber, F. 230
- Weglenski, P. 59
- Wennekes, B. 215
- Wessels, J.G.H. 189
- Whitehead, 33
- Whitehead, M.P. 95
- Wicklow, D.T. 226
- Widdick, D.A. 210
- Wieser, J. 227 228
- Williams, R.S.B. 229
- Williamson, G. 63
- Witteveen, C.F.B. 54 123 230
- Wolushok, C.P. 231
- Wood, B.J.B. 2
- Xiang, X. 232
- Xu, G. 236
- Xuei, X. 96 233
- Yager, L.N. 35
- Yamagata, S. 28
- Yamaguchi, H. 136
- Yanai, K. 234
- Yang, R. 25
- Yanko, M. 55
- Yao, J. 235
- Ye, X.S. 236
- Yokota, K. 60
- Yoo, J.H. 119
- Yu-Lee, L-y. 12
- Zimmer, W. 109
- Zucchi, T.M.A.D. 170
- Zuker, M. 200
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Aspergillus Bibliography Keywords
- alpha-galactosidase 179
- Acetamide utilization 103 104 133
- Acetate metabolism 113
- Acetate regulation 52 103 104
- Aerobiology 157
- Aflatoxin 17 36 47 110 114 190 231
- Alcohol metabolism 64
- Aldehyde dehydrogenase 86
- AMA1 element 4 43 116 152 223
- Amino acid sequence significance 75
- Amino acid substitutions 37 132 166 213
- Amino acid transporters 197
- Aminoacyl tRNA synthetase 192
- Amylase 19
- Anthranillate synthase 90
- Antigenicity 31 92 93 128
- Antimicrotubule drugs 169
- Antisense regulation 231
- Arabinases 71 217
- Arabinose catabolism 54 230
- Arabitol deH 54
- Arginase 59
- Aromatic biosynthesis 151
- ARp1 152
- Aspergillosis 32 128 207
- Autolysis 5
- Autonomously replicating plasmid 4 43 116 152 22
- ß-galactanase 39
- ß-glucosidase 125
- ß-lactam antibiotic biosynthesis 138
- Band-shift assays 166
- Benomyl 7 69
- Benomyl resistance 7
- Biolistic transformation 73
- Calineurin A 176
- Calmodulin 176 235
- cAMP-dependent protein kinase 130
- Carbon metabolism 100
- Carbon regulation 52 53 68 61 77 95 103 104 115 144 194 197 217
- Carbon sources 88
- Catalase 19
- Cell cycle 55 57 102 118 135 145 149 158 159 173 188 199 236
- Cell walls 5 57 92 93 155 176 195
- Cellulase 182
- Cephalosporin biosynthesis 139 220
- Chitin deacetylase 5
- Chitin synthases 155 148 234
- Chromatin condensation 158
- Citric acid production 19 26 123 185
- Cleistothecia 34 35 89
- Colchicine 185
- Conidiation 1 8 22 34 56 69 88 89 110 129 137 149 169 172 191 194 196 202 212
227 228
- Contig map 225
- Cotransformation 4 49
- CreA binding sites 62 95 144
- Cyclin B 236
- Cysteine biosynthesis 26 143 163
- Cytochrome P-450 177
- Dehydroquinase shikimate dehydrogenase 21
- Dehydroquinate synthase 151
- Dinucleotide frequencies 111
- Diploidization 185
- DNA binding proteins 62 210 231
- DNA isolation 6 23
- Dynein 79 232
- Echinocandin B 96
- Ecology 127
- Electron microscopy 191
- Electrophoretic karyotype 121 204 221 233
- Electrophoretic mobility variation 221 233
- Entomotoxins 226
- Environmental mutagens 153
- Enzyme deamidation 37
- Enzyme inactivation by glucose 53
- Enzyme processing 213
- Enzyme production 19
- Esculin 125
- Ethanol formation 184
- Ethanol regulation 90 144
- Evolution of kinesins 80
- Evolution of regulatory proteins 90
- Evolutionary relationships 24 111
- Exon theory of genes 200
- Expression cloning 49
- Extracellular proteins 9 174
- Extragenic suppressors 79
- Ferulic acid esterase 63
- Fluffy mutants 223 228
- Fluorophenylalanine resistance 192
- Folate metabolism 15 131
- Food fermentation 46
- Food spoilage 70 127 190
- Footprinting 166
- Fungal genetics 40 141 153
- Fungal molecular biology 41 141 211
- Galactanase 39
- Galactosidases 19 179
- GAPDH 86
- GATA-binding proteins 166
- Gene cloning methods 223
- Gene clusters 77
- Gene conversion polarity 209
- Gene expression in transformants 45
- Gene overexpression 38 67 137 224
- Genetic fingerprinting 14
- Genetic nomenclature 42
- Genotoxic agent detection 153 170
- Germination 56 196
- Glucoamylase 19 81 82 83 132 222 224
- Glucose oxidase 19 167 205
- Glucose 6 phosphate dehydrogenase 215
- Glucosidase 125
- Glycoamylase 37 81 82 222
- Glycoproteins 93
- Glycosylation 37 81 132 179
- Heat shock 56 124
- Hemolysin 60
- Heterokaryon incompatibility 16 44 97
- Heterologous gene expression 9 20 22 25 38 50 76 82 158 168 172 177 182 193
201 218
- History of Aspergillus genetics 72 140 141 153 171 180
- Horizontal gene transfer 98
- Hydrophobins 22 161 202 208
- Hydroxylaminopurine 13
- Hyphal growth 57 146 195 196
- Immunogenicity 31 92 93
- Industrial enzyme production 2 19 26 38 160 164 218
- Insecticides 226
- Instant gene bank 43 223
- Intron origin 200
- Isocitrate lyase 52 53
- Isopenicillin N acyltransferase 213
- Kinesins 80 102
- Koji molds 46
- Lipases 19
- Lipid utilization 113
- Lysine auxotroph virulence 207
- Metal toxicity 74
- Metaloproteases 107 193
- Methionine in regulation 220
- Microtubule organizing center 108
- Microtubules 18 169
- Mipping 178
- Mischeduled developmental expression 137 158 191
- Mitochondrial ATP synthase subunit 8 201
- Mitochondrial DNA polymorphism 48 219
- Mitochondrial genes 27
- Mitosis 145
- Mitotic recombination 170
- Molecular karyotype alterations 221 233
- Molecular phylogeny 80
- Multicopy transformants 38 71 178
- Multifunctional protein 151
- Mutagen sensitivity 145
- Mutagen testing 13
- Mutagenesis 205
- Mutation by transformation 233
- Mycorrhizal fungi 109
- Mycotoxins 17 36 47 70 96 110 114 122 134 154 190 226 231
- Myosin 146
- N-glycosylation 37 179
- Neck-filament genes 55
- Nitrate reductase 109 168 229
- Nitrate uptake 58 175
- Nitrogen assimilation 120
- Nitrogen regulation 29 30 77 85 90 103 104 186 187 194 197
- Norsolorinic acid 114
- Nuclear movement 12 57 69 79 232
- O-acetylhomoserine sulfhydralase 28
- O-glycosylation 132
- Oncogene 227
- Organic acid production 19 26 123 185
- Overexpression 38 67 129 137 167 205 224
- Oxidative stress 56
- Oxygen regulation 10
- Oxygen requirement 87
- p34cdc2/cyclin B 236
- Paba auxotroph virulence 99 207
- Paraquat 126
- Parasexual hybrids 206
- Pathogen detection 136 147 198 150 198
- Pathogenicity 31 32 99 107 207
- PCR methods 156
- PCR pathogen detection 136 147 198
- Pectate lyases 95 117
- Pectinolytic enzymes 19 39 95 117
- Penicillin biosynthesis 61 65 66 67 138 139 206 214
- Peptidase 216
- pH regulation 10 11 105 210
- Phosphofructo-1-kinase 130
- Phosphoglycerate kinase 101
- Phosphomannose isomerase 195
- Phosphorus regulation 10
- Physical map 225
- Phytase 19
- Pisatin detoxificatioin 177
- Plant wall degradation 63
- Plasmid cointegration 4 43 152
- Plasmid replication 4 43 116 152 223
- Plasmid transfer from plants 98
- Polarized gene conversion 209
- Polarized growth 146
- Polygalacturonase 33
- Polyketide biosynthesis 3
- Population genetics 48 97 219
- Proenzyme cleavage 213
- Proline utilisation 77 186
- Promoter analysis 52 124 222
- Promoter species specificity 189
- Protease regulation 105 106
- Proteases 19 106 107 112 193 218
- Protein domains 82 132 135 151
- Protein engineering 37 82 132 135 151 166 213
- Protein inactivation 37
- Protein kinases 135 159 173 188
- Protein secretion 37 50 146 164 174 179
- Protein targetting 174
- Protoplast fusion 206
- Purine degradation 187 203
- Pyruvate decarboxylase 184
- Quelling 45
- Quinate pathway 91
- Recombination 153 205
- Recombination of plasmids 4
- Recombinogens 170
- Regulation: see acetate, acetamidase, carbon, conidiation, ethanol, methionine,
nitrogen, oxygen, pH, phosphorus, protease, sulphur
- Regulator titration 71 222
- Regulatory protein evolution 90
- Replicating plasmids 4 43 223
- Restrictocin 25
- RFLPs in systematics 14 48 219
- Ribosomal DNA variation 14 24 48
- Ribosomal DNA probes for pathogen detection 136 147 150
- Ribosomal RNA cleavage 25
- Ribosomal RNA genes 84 165
- Ribosomes 142
- Rodletless mutant 161 208
- Sclerotia 226
- Secondary metabolism 110
- Sequence 85
- Serine carboxypeptidase 216
- Sexual reproduction 34 35 88 89
- Shikimate pathway 91
- Soy sauce manufacture 2
- Species-specific expression 168
- Spindle function 118
- Spore dispersal 157
- Spore germination 196
- Starvation-induced competence 181
- Sterigmatocystin 96 114 134
- Sulphur amino acids 162
- Sulphur metabolism 143 163
- Sulphur regulation 15 131 162
- Taxonomy 14 48 111 122 183 204 219
- Toxic metals 74
- Transcriptional activator 8
- Transformant copy number 38 178 218
- Transformant stability 119
- Transformation 4 38 116 119 178 181 189
- Transformation, biolistic 73
- Transformation-induced mutation 233
- Trifluralin 126
- Tubulins 118
- Tunicamycin 179
- UV sensitivity 56
- Xanthine dehydrogenase 78
- Xylanase 19 51 68 94
- Xylitol deH 230
- Zinc-finger proteins 210 231
Fungi other than A. nidulans
- A. aculeatus 39
- A. awamori 37 81 82 83 94 132
- A. clavatus 70
- A. flavus 114 147 231
- A. fumigatus 22h 32 60 93 99 107 128 136 147 161 193 198 208
- A. kawachii 81 82 83 182
- A. niger 25 26 63 71 105 106 117 123 130 147 205 215 219 221 222 230
- A. ochraceus 181
- A. oryzae 2 38 39 46 49 121
- A. parasiticus 33 110 114 152t 231
- A. restrictus 25
- A. terreus 123 147
- A. tubigenesis 51
- Ascobolus immersus 178
- Leptosphaeria maculans: 229
- Penicillium chrysogenum 65 85 101 139 172 206 213
- P. notatum 136
- P. variabile 167
- Phycomyces blakesleeanus 76
- Phytophthora infestans 168
- Saccharomyces cerevisiae 20h 82h 182h 201h 203c
- Schizophyllum commune 189t
- Schizosaccharomyces pombe 158t
- Verticillium albo-atrum 84c
- Zalerion arboricola 116ht
Other organisms
- Bacillus subtilis 3c
- Chlamydomonas reinhardtii 175c
- Escherichia coli 193h
- Homo sapiens 158h 188c 227c
- Nicotiana tobacum 21c
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A. nidulans
- abaA 8 191
- acuD 52 53
- acuD,E,F 113
- acyA 67
- afbA 71s
- agaA 59
- alcR 144
- aldA 86c
- amdA 133s
- amdS 20h 49t 104
- apsA 69s
- araA 54
- areA 166
- areA 85c
- aromA 21c 91 151
- benA 18 169
- benB,C 169
- benD 7
- bimA 118
- bimB,D 145
- bimC 102 118
- bimE 199c
- brlA 22h 129 191 194 228
- Calmodulin gene 235c
- chsC 155
- cnaA 176s
- creA 144 197 217
- creB,C 61 217
- crnA 175c
- cysD 28
- dewA 202s
- fab 137
- fisA 137
- flbA 22h 129s 228
- flbB,C,E 228
- flbD 227s 228
- fpaV 192
- fluG 22h 228
- gpx 205
- Heat shock gene 124s
- het 16 44
- hxaA 78s 187
- ipnA 61 67
- klpA 102 118
- lys 207
- manA sequence 195
- mipA 108
- myoA 146s
- niaD 75 109c 116t 209
- nimA 135 158h 173 188c 236
- nimXcdc2 159
- nit-2 sequece 85
- nsd 89
- nsdD 34
- nudA 79 232s
- nudC 12c
- pacC 210
- palH,I 11
- paba 99 207
- pelA 95
- prn 77 186
- prnB 197
- prtA 112s
- qut 91
- qutR 21c
- Ras gene 196
- rRNA, 5S genes 165
- rodA 22h 161
- scobA,B,C 161
- snaA-E 79
- tRNAphe gene 192s
- trpC 22h
- tub 18
- tubC 7
- uaX 187
- uaY 187 203s
- velA 88
- wA 3c 22h
- wetA 172 191
Other Aspergillus
- A. awamori glaA 132, exlA 94s
- A. flavus aflR 231s
- A. fumigatus rodA brlA fluG flbA trpC whiA 22h
- chsA-F 148
- hemolysin 60s
- HYP1 161
- mep 107s,
- Protease 193s
- rodA 208
- A. kawachii cellulase 182s
- A. niger abfA,B, abnA 71s
- gsdA 215s,
- glaA 222 224
- nicB 223s
- pelB 117
- pepA,B 105
- pepC,E 106s
- pepF 216s
- A. parasiticus aflR 231s
- pecA 33
- pyruvate decarboxylase 184s
- sec 110
- A. tubigensis xlnA 51
Other fungi
- Acremonium chrysogenum pcbAB, psbC, cefEF 220
- Candida albicans CDC3,10 55h
- Leptosphaeria maculans: niaD 229
- Nectria haematococca PDA6-1 177
- Neurospora crassa nit-2 85c
- Penicillium chrysogenum wetA 172
- nre 85s
- pcbC pcbAB 65
- penDE 66
- pgkA 101
- Phycomyces blakesleeanus facA 76sh
- Phytophthora infestans niaA 168sh
- Saccharomyces cerevisiae PPR1 203c
Other organisms
- Homo sapiens Nek2 188
- Myb 227
- Mus musculus tsg24 199c
- Pisum sativum calmodulin 193sh