FGN #44 will be published in the summer of 1997. Reviewing of manuscripts commences in January of the publication year so contributions should be made between 1st January and the submission deadline (see INSTRUCTIONS FOR CONTRIBUTORS below). The Newsletter is a suitable place for short research notes, methods notes, linkage data, information concerning new mutants, announcements of meetings, or of positions available et cetera. It is a policy not to accept an abstract or shorter version of a full- length paper which will be published soon in a regular journal. However, a more extensive description of techniques or mutants used in a regular paper would be appropriate for FGN. We particularly encourage you to use FGN to describe new techniques or methods. All manuscripts are reviewed but will not be returned to authors for minor editorial changes. Please make every effort to have your manuscript conform to the format used in FGN. The details of formats for "Mini Reviews", "One- Liners" and "Brief Notes" are as follows: "Mini Reviews" is a section in which one or two brief reviews of an area of research will be published. Potential contributors are encouraged to communicate an outline of their review before writing the manuscript. "One-Liners" is a section in which helpful hints, et cetera, can be communicated. Please communicate one or two sentence pieces of useful information at any time during the year. "Brief Notes" is a section in which a brief account of research observations can be made; typically only very preliminary research will have been done.

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Last modified 7/25/96 KMC