Neurospora mating type symbol mt revised to mat

N. Louise Glass1 and Chuck Staben2- 1Biotechnology Laboratory, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z3 and 2T.H. Morgan School of Biological Sciences, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 40506-0225.

After discussion with members of the Neurospora genetics community, we propose to revise the symbol designating the mating type locus from mt to mat. This revision conforms with usage in yeast and in other filamentous fungi. To specify the details of this nomenclature:

mat: the mating type locus

mat a, mat A: alternate idiomorphs that normally occupy the mat locus

mat a-1: the only known gene within the mat a idiomorph

mat A-1, mat A-2, mat A-3: the known genes within the mat A idiomorph

MAT a-1, MAT A-1, MAT A-2, MAT A-3: polypeptide products of the known mating type genes.

The symbol mat has previously been used for a morphological mutant in linkage group IVR, isolation No. B54. We now propose to change the symbol and name of the B54 mutant to rug, and this has been agreed on by authors of the Neurospora compendium. The change should cause little confusion because the B54 mutant has not been used except as a marker and little or nothing has been published on it beyond the original brief description.

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