Linkage group I

aap-2 Linked to al-2 (0T/18 asci).
ace-3 Between lys-3 (£1%), In(OY323)R and nic-1 (<1%).
ace-7 Between nic-2 (4%; 7%) and cr-1 (1%; 3%).
acr-1 Linked to mat (8%; 12%).
acr-3 Between un-16 (1%; 5%) and suc (1%; 5%).
acr-4 Linked to mat, acr-3 (5%).
acu-4 Right of arg-1 (5/29).
ad-3A Between his-3 (1%; 3%) and ad-3B (<1%).
ad-3B Between ad-3A (<1%) and T(P7442)L, nic-2 (3%).
ad-5 Between phe-1 and arg-1 (1%).
ad-9 Between tre (7%) and Tp(T54M94)M, In(OY348)R, nit-1.
al-1 Between hom (1%) and cnr (1%).
al-2 Between cyh-1 (8%; 13%), T(STL76) and Tp(T54M94)R, arg-6 (1%).
amyc Between ad-5 and Cen-I.
arg-1 Between ad-5 (1%) and eth-1 (<1%).
arg-3 Between eth-1 (1%) and csp-1 (1%), T(39311)R.
arg-6 Between al-2 (1 or 2%), Tp(T54M94)R and hom (1%), al-1 (1%; 4%).
arg-13 Between os-1 (1%) and so (2%; 12%).
aro-7 Between arg-1 (4%) and his-3 (1 or 2%).
atr-1 Between suc (0/39), In(H4250)L and T(39311)R.
aza-1 Left of mat (23%).
aza-2 Linked to mat (2%), aza-1 (39%).
Bm Left of nit-2 (30%).
Ban Left of mat (14%).
bs-l Linked to un-1 (9%), probably to the right.
ca-1 Linked to cys-9.(10%), un-1 (10%).
ca-3 Linked to ca-1 (5%), cys-9, un-1 (10%).
ccg-4 Between mat (0/18; 3T/18 asci) and Cen-1 (2T/18 asci).
Cen-I Between arg-3 (2%), T(39311)R and sn (<1%), os-4.
cfs(OY305) Between mat and al-2.
cfs(OY306) Linked to al-2, probably to the right.
cfs(OY307) Between mat and al-1
chs-4 Linked to leu-4, mat, arg-3 (0/18) .
cnr Between hom (1%), al-1 and In(OY323)R, lys-3.
cog Between his-3 (1%; 3%; 3kb) and ad-3A (2%; 7%).
col-12 Linked to mat (17%; 22%).
con-8 Linked to phr (0/18), nic-1 (4/18).
cpd-2 Right of arg-1 (6%).
cpd-3 Right of arg-1 (11%).
cr-1 Between ace-7 (1%; 3%) and cys-9 (3%), un-1 (5%).
cr-2 Between T(NM103) and al-2 (18%).
cr-3 Between T(4540)R and cr-2.
crp-7 Linked near con-8.
Csh Between thi-1 (12%; 20%) and ad-9 (5%).
csp-1 Between arg-3 (1%) and T(39311)R .
csr-1 Between his-2 (20%) and cyh-1 (1%; 3%).
cy Linked to ad-5 (1/54), probably to the left.
cya-1 Linked to mat (6%).
cyh-1 Between nit-1 (6%) and T(STL76), al-2 (8%; 13%).
cys-5 Between leu-4 and ser-3 (<1%).
cys-9 Between cr-1 (3% ) and nd, T(4540)R, thi-1 (13%).
cys-11 Linked to cys-5 (<1%), probably to the right.
cys-12 Linked to al-1 or al-2 (0/76). Right of ad-9 (12%).
cys-13 Right of nic-2, tyr-2, T(Y112M4i)R.
cyt-1 Between leu-3 (5%; 8%) and T(OY321), leu-4.
cyt-4 Between T(AR173) breakpoints.
cyt-18 Linked to al-2 (10%), nic-1 (1%; 5%).
cyt-20 Linked to mat (<1%).
cyt-21 Between ro-10 (1%) and nit-2 (5/18).
dgr-2 Right of arg-1 (2%). Linked to csp-1 (1%).
dgr-4 Linked to al-2 (1%), probably to the left.
dir Right of pa.
dot Linked to ad-9 (0/44). Right of thi-1 (2%).
eat-1 Right of mat. Between mat and eat-2.
eat-2 Right of mat. Between eat-1 and eat-3.
eat-3 Right of mat. Between eat-2 and eat-4.
eat-4 Right of mat and eat-3.
eat-5 Left of mat. Between eat-6 and mat.
eat-6 Left of mat. Between un-3 and eat-5.
En(pdx) Linked to mat (5%), probably to the left.
erg-4 Linked to al-1 (10%).
esr-2 Linked to mat (10%).
eth-1 Between arg-1 (<1%) and arg-3 (<1%).
exo-1 Linked to mat (7%), probably to the left.
ff-3 Right of os-1 (3%).
fls Between nit-1 (5%; 19%) and al-1 (6%; 19%).
fmf-1 Between mat (2%; 15%) and cr-1 (2%).
fpr-5 Left of al-2 (25%).
fr Between ro-10 (18%) and T(OY330)L, un-5 (6%).
fs-3 Left of mat (16%).
Fsp-2 Right of nic-2 (6%).
Fsr-1 Linked to met-6, ad-9, al-2 arg-6 (0/18).
Fsr-12 Linked to nit-2 (0 or 1/16), vma-4 (0 T/18 asci).
Fsr-18 Linked to nic-1 (0/18), arg-13 (2T/18 asci).
Fsr-30 Linked to mat (0T/18 asci).
Fsr-33 Linked to lys-4 (0 or 1T/18 asci).
gap-1 Between mat (6%) and Cen-I (4%).
gla-2 Linked to mat (3/68), sor-4 (£10kb), his-3 (3/65).
glp-1 Probably between ad-9 (2%) and nit-1 (11%).
glp-5 Left of cr-1 (15%).
grp78 Linked to mat (0T/18 asci).
gsp Left of mat (10%).
gua-1 Probably between his-2 (3%) and cr-1 (3%).
hda-2 Linked to arg-13 (2T/18 asci).
het-5 Between R, T(MD2)L and T(NM169d, un-18, T(MD2)R.
his-2 Between un-2 (<1%), T(AR190) and T(AR173)R, nuc-1 (<1%).
his-3 Between met-10, lys-4 (1%) and cog (1%; 3%), ad-3A (1%; 3%).
hom Between Tp(T54M94)R, arg-6 (1%) and al-1 (<1%).
hpp Between al-2 and nic-1.
hsp30 Linked to mei-3, Cen-I, un-2, his-2 (0T/18 asci).
htl Right of ad-3 (1%; 10%).
In(AR16)L Between ser-3 and un-3.
In(AR16)R At Tip-IR .
In(NM176)L Between ser-3 and un-3.
In(NM176)R At Tip-IR.
In(OY323)L Between nit-2 and leu-3.
In(OY323)R Between lys-3 and ace-3, nic-1.
In(OY348)L Between fr and un-5.
In(OY348)R Between ad-9 and nit-1.
In(H4250)L Between suc and phe-1.
In(H4250)R At Tip-IR..
ipa Between mat (20%) and arg-1 (1%).
krev-1 Linked to nit-2 (0/18).
lah-1 Between nit-2 (2%) and leu-3 (5%).
leu-3 Between lah-1, In(OY323)L and T(OY322)L, cyt-1 (5%; 8%), T(OY321).
leu-4 Between cyt-1, T(OY321) and cys-5 (<<1%).
lis-1 Between ad-3 (6%) and al-1 (16%).
lpl Right of his-3, cog (adjoining).
lysR Between his-3 and nic-2.
lys-3 Between al-1 (9%) and In(OY323)R, ace-3, nic-1.
lys-4 Between nuc-1 (1%), met-10 and his-3 (1%).
mad-1 By cosmid assignment.
mat Between un-3 (£0.1%) and un-16 (<1%). Between eat-5 and eat-1.
mb-2 Between cyh-1 (5%) and al-1 (7%).
mb-3 Linked to cyh-1 (18%), al-1 (2%), mb-2 (6%).
mea Right of acr-3 (9%).
mei-3 Between arg-1 (3%) and T(39311)R.
mep(3), mep(10) Left of mat.
met-6 Between T(NM103), T(ALS182), T(OY343) and tre (7%), ad-9 (2%, 16%).
met-10 Between his-2, T(AR173)R , nuc-1 and lys-4, his-3.
mo-1 Linked to mat (9%).
mo-5 Linked to mat (20%).
msh-1 Linked to cyt-21 (0/18).
msk-1 By cosmid assignment.
mus-9 Between cyh-1 (18%) and al-2 (6%).
mus-13 Right of al-2 (18%).
mus-15 Between arg-1 (4%) and arg-3 (<2%).
mus-19 Between aro-8 (8%) and un-18 (4%).
mus-22 Left of cyh-1 (2%).
mus-31 Between Cen-I and ad-3B (7%).
mus-32 Between mus-31 (3%) and ad-3B (4%).
mus-38 Left of un-5 (7%), leu-3 (10%). Linked to nit-2 (0/18).
mus-40 Linked to pzl-1 (0/18). Between cyt-21 (1/18) and fr, nit-2 (3/16).
nd Between cys-9 (<2%; 3%) and T(4540)R, thi-1 (<2%; 4%).
nic-1 Between lys-3 ace-3 (<1%) and T(UK2-26)R, os-1 (10%; 30%).
nic-2 Between ad-3B (4%) and tyr-2, T(Y112M4i)R, ace-7 (4%; 7%).
nit-1 Between ad-9 (3%; 15%), Tp(T54M94)M and cyh-1 (6%).
nit-2 Between un-5 (2%), T(39311)L and lah-1, In(OY323)L, leu-3 (12%, 18%).
nit-8 Linked to cr-l (0/61). Between nic-2 (10%) and thi-1 (3%).
nuc-1 Between his-2 (1%), T(AR173)R and met-10, lys-4 (1%).
nuh-6 Between Cen-I (5%) and nic-2 (4%).
nuh-8 Right of nic-1.
nuo12.3 Between lys-4 (1T/18 asci) and cys-9 (7T/18 asci).
nuo20.8 Between mat (0 or 1T/17 asci) and Cen-I (3T/17 asci).
os-1 Between nic-1 (10%; 29%), T(UK2-26)R and prd-4 (2%), arg-13 (1%; 4%).
os-4 Between sn (3%) and T(AR173)L.
os-5 Between T(STL76) and T(54M94) R, arg-6 (1%), al-1 (1%). Linked to al-2.
os-6 Linked to os-1 (4%), os-7 (6%).
os-7 Linked to os-1 (11%), os-6 (6%).
pa Between cr-1 (10%) and dir (37%).
pat Linked to mat, probably to the right.
pex-2 Linked to mat. Between cyt-21 and mei-3.
phe-1 Between suc (<1%), In(H4250)L and ad-5.
phr Linked to con-8 (0/18). Right of os-1 (15%).
prd-3 Near Cen-I.
prd-4 Between os-1 (2%) and arg-13 (3%).
pzl-1 Linked to mus-40 (0/18). Between cyt-21 (1/18) and nit-2 (3/16).
R Between aro-8 (4%) and T(MD2)L, un-18 (11%).
rec-3 Between acr-3 (1 or 2%) and arg-3 (2%; 6%).
rg-1 Between his-2, T(AR173)R and lys-4 (1%; 7%).
rg-2 Linked to rg-1 (0/650). Left of lys-4 (l2%).
rgb-1 Linked to leu-4, mat, arg-3 (0/18).
ro-6 Between T(4540)L nic-2 (0/95) and T(4540)R, thi-1.
ro-10 Between Tip-IL and cyt-21 (1%), fr (18%).
sar-1, sar-3 Near mat.
scp Linked to Fsr-18.
sdh-1 Linked to mat (0/13).
sdv-4, sdv-5 Between al-2 (1T/18 asci) and arg-13 (5T, 2NPD/18 asci).
ser-3 Between cys-5 (<1%) and In(NM176)L, un-3 (<1%).
sf Linked to mat (3%), cy (3%).
slo-1 Between mat (14%) and thi-1 (2%; 5%).
smco-1 Linked to mat (1%), rg-1 (0/72).
smco-3 Linked to mat (10%), al-2 (29%).
smco-5 Linked to mat (2%).
sn Between Cen-I (<1%) and os-4 (<3%). T(AR173)L.
so Between arg-13 (2%; 12%) and aro-8 (7%; 11%).
sod-1 Between fr (5T/16 asci) and Fsr-12, vma-4 (2 or 4T/18 asci).
sor-4 Linked to phe-1 (<1%). Between In(H4250)L and arg-1 (1%; 4%).
spco-11 Between leu-3 (7%) and In(NM176)L, mat (17%).
spco-12 Right of mat (13%; 35%).
ss Linked to nit-2 (<0.2%).
ssu-2 Linked to mat (22%), Cen-I (7%), al-2 (26%).
ssu-3 Linked to mat (22%), Cen-I (10%), al-2 (33%).
ssu-8 Linked to al-2 (2%; 8%).
st Between ad-3B (5%) and thi-1 (14%).
su(bal) Linked to mat (13%).
su(col-2) Linked to mat (0/837).
su(met-7)-1 Linked to al-2 (1%).
su([mi-3])-1 Between un-7 (£1%) and al-2 (1%; 4%).
su(mtr)-1 Right of his-2 (2%).
su(suc)-2 Linked to suc (3%).
su(trp-3td2)-2a Linked to al-2 (15%).
suc Between acr-3 (2%) and In(H4250)L, phe-1 (1%).
T Between ad-3A (18%), nic-2 (12%) and al-2, al-1 (12%).
T(UK1-35) Between cyh-1 and al-2.
T(MD2)L Between R and het-5.
T(MD2)R Between un-18 and Tip-IR.
T(UK2-26)L Between met-6 and ad-9.
T(UK2-26)R Between nic-1 and os-1.
T(T39M777) At Tip-IR. Linked to R (0/85).
T(STL76) Between cyh-1 and os-5.
T(Z88) At Tip-IR. Linked to un-18 (0)50).
T(NM103) Between thi-1 and met-6.
T(Y112M4i)L ad-3A Breakpoint at ad-3A.
T(Y112M4i)R Between tyr-2 and ace-7 .
T(NM169d) Between het-5 and un-18 .
T(NM173)L Between sn, os-4 and un-2.
T(NM173)R Between his-2 and nuc-1.
T(ALS182) Between thi-1 and met-6.
T(ALS190) Between un-2 and his-2 .
T(AR217)L Between thi-1, cr-3 and met-6.
T(AR217)R Between nic-1 and os-1.
T(OY321) Between cyt-1 and leu-4.
T(OY322)L Between leu-3 and cyt-1.
T(OY322)R Between un-16 and suc.
T(OY330)L Between fr and un-5.
T(OY330)R Between un-16 and suc.
T(OY343) Between thi-1 and met-6.
T(OY350) At Tip-IR. Linked to un-18 (2/44).
T(4540)L nic-2 Breakpoint at nic-2.
T(4540)R Between un-1, cys-9 and thi-1.
T(5936) At Tip-IL.
T(P7442)L Between ad-3B and nic-2.
T(P7442)R Between cys-9 and thi-1.
T(39311)L Between un-5 and nit-2.
T(39311)R Between arg-3, csp-1.and Cen-I.
ta Between un-16 (2%) and acr-3 (<3%) .
tef-1 Linked to leu-4, mat, arg-3 (0/18).
Tel-IR Linked to arg-13 (6T, 2NPD/18 asci).
tet Linked to acr-3 (2%), ad-3B (1%).
thi-1 Between cys-9 (13%), T(4540)R and T(NM103), met-6 (7%; 14%).
ti Between arg-3 and T(39311)R.
Tip-IL Marked by T(5936). Left of ro-10, fr.
Tip-IR Marked by In(H4250) and other rearrangements. Right of R, un-18.
Tp(T54M94)L Between arg-3 (2%) and Cen-I.
Tp(T54M94)M Between ad-9 and nit-1.
Tp(T54M94)R Between al-2 and arg-6.
tre-1 Between met-6 (7%) and ad-9 (10%).
ty-2 Right of al-2.
tyr-2 Between T(4540)L nic-2 and T(Y112M4i)R, ace-7, cr-1 (2%).
tys Right of mat (6%).
uc-2 Linked to mat (0/12 asci), upr-1. Between mat (2%) and arg-1 (7%).
un-1 Between cr-1 (5%; 9%) and nd, T(4540)R. Linked to cys-9 (0/72).
un-2 Between sn, os-4, T(AR173)L and nd, T(AR190), his-2 (1%) .
un-3 Between ser-3 (1%), In(NM176)L and mat (£0.1%).
un-5 Between fr (6%), T(OY330)L and T(39311)L, nit-2 (2%).
un-7 Between cyh-1, T(STL76) and al-1 (3%).
un-16 Between mat (<1%) and ta (1%), acr-3 (<3%).
un-18 Between R (11%), T(MD2)L, T(NM169d) and T(MD2)R, Tip-IR.
upr-1 Between mat (2%) and arg-1 (7%).
ure-4 Linked to his-3 (1%), probably to the right. Left of ad3B (3%).
uvs-6 Linked to met-6 (<1%).
vma-4 Linked to Fsr-12 (0T/18 asci). Left of mat (4T/18 asci).
vma-11 Between al-2 (1T/18 asci) and arg-13 (5T, 2 NPD/18 asci).
wc-2 Between thi-1 (8%), T(ALS182) and ad-9 (7%; 20%).
ylo-2 Between suc, In(H4250)L and arg-1 (1%).
zip-1 Linked to cyt-21 (0T/18 asci).
znr-3 Linked to mat.

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Last modified 8/3/00 KMC