Podospora anserina bibliography n̊ 10 - Additions

Robert Debuchy, Institut de Génétique et Microbiologie UMR 8621, Bâtiment 400, Université Paris-Sud, 91405 Orsay cedex, France.

              Podospora anserina is a coprophilous fungus growing on herbivore dung. It is a pseudohomothallic species in which ascus development results, as in Neurospora tetrasperma but through a different process, in the formation of four large ascospores containing nuclei of both mating types. These ascospores give self-fertile strains. Small uninucleate ascospores are also formed at a frequency circa 1 %; these provide homokaryotic strains. The ease of genetic analysis and culture of this Euascomycete, as well as its short sexual cycle (four days from mating to ascospore projection), have attracted many European geneticists since the seminal work of Georges Rizet (references below).

Podospora bibliographies were compiled by Karl Esser and published in Neurospora Newsletter number 18, June 1971; number 20, June 1973; number 24, June 1977; number 26, June 1979; number 27, June 1980; number 28, June 1981, number 29, June 1982, number 31, June 1984 and in Fungal Genetics Newsletter number 33, June 1986 and number 35, June 1988. Two hundred and eighty five publications are listed in this Podospora bibliography n̊ 10. In addition to the papers published since the Podospora bibliography n̊ 9, these include all theses since that of Georges Rizet in 1943. RD is grateful to the whole Podospora community who have collaborated in compiling this bibliography.

Fungal Genet. Newsl. 50:27-36

1. Albert, B., and C. H. Sellem. 2002. Dynamics of the mitochondrial genome during Podospora anserina aging. Curr Genet. 40:365-373.

2. Arnaise, S., R. Debuchy, and M. Picard. 1997. What is a bona fide mating-type gene? Internuclear complementation of mat mutants in Podospora anserina. Mol Gen Genet. 256:169-178.

3. Arnaise, S., D. Zickler, and N. L. Glass. 1993. Heterologous expression of mating-type genes in filamentous fungi. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 90:6616-6620.

4. Arnaise, S., D. Zickler, S. Le Bilcot, C. Poisier, and R. Debuchy. 2001. Mutations in mating-type genes of the heterothallic fungus Podospora anserina lead to self-fertility. Genetics. 159:545-556.

5. Arnaise, S., D. Zickler, C. Poisier, and R. Debuchy. 2001. pah1: a homeobox gene involved in hyphal morphology and microconidiogenesis in the filamentous ascomycete Podospora anserina. Mol Microbiol. 39:54-64.

6. Averbeck, N. 1999. Molekulare Grundlagen der Kupferhomöostase in dem Ascomyceten Podospora anserina. Dissertation, Logos, Berlin.

7. Averbeck, N. B., C. Borghouts, A. Hamann, V. Specke, and H. D. Osiewacz. 2001. Molecular control of copper homeostasis in filamentous fungi: increased expression of a metallothionein gene during aging of Podospora anserina. Mol Gen Genet. 264:604-612.

8. Averbeck, N. B., O. N. Jensen, M. Mann, H. Schägger, and H. D. Osiewacz. 2000. Identification and characterization of PaMTH1, a putative O- methyltransferase accumulating during senescence of Podospora anserina cultures. Curr Genet. 37:200-208.

9. Balguerie, A., S. Dos Reis, C. Ritter, S. Chaignepain, B. Coulary-Salin, V. Forge, K. Bathany, I. Lascu, J. M. Schmitter, R. Riek, and S. J. Saupe. 2003. Domain organization and structure-function relationship of the HET-s prion protein of Podospora anserina. EMBO J. 22:2071-2081.

10. Barreau, C. 1983. Etude des RNA polymérases chez le Podospora : purification, structure des 3 enzymes et préparation d'une collection d'anticorps monoclonaux spécifiques de l'enzyme B. Doctorat d'Etat, Université Bordeaux 2, accession number 42, 136 p.

11. Barreau, C., M. Iskandar, G. Loubradou, V. Levallois, and J. Bégueret. 1998. The mod-A suppressor of nonallelic heterokaryon incompatibility in Podospora anserina encodes a proline-rich polypeptide involved in female organ formation. Genetics. 149:915-926.

12. Barreau, C., M. Iskandar, B. Turcq, and J. P. Javerzat. 1998. Use of a linear plasmid containing telomeres as an efficient vector for direct cloning in the filamentous fungus Podospora anserina. Fungal Genet Biol. 25:22-30.

13. Barreau, C., C. Sellem, P. Silar, A. Sainsard-Chanet, and B. Turcq. 2002. A rapid and efficient method using chromoslots to assign any newly cloned DNA sequence to its cognate chromosome in the filamentous fungus Podospora anserina. FEMS Microbiol Lett. 216:55-60.

14. Begel, O., J. Boulay, B. Albert, E. Dufour, and A. Sainsard-Chanet. 1999. Mitochondrial group II introns, cytochrome c oxidase, and senescence in Podospora anserina. Mol Cell Biol. 19:4093-4100.

15. Bégueret, J. 1973. L'incompatibilité cellulaire chez le champignon Podospora anserina : Etude physiologique de la réaction. Doctorat d'Etat, Université Bordeaux 2, 73 p.

16. Bégueret, J., B. Turcq, V. Razanamparany, M. Perrière, M. Denayrolles, T. Berges, M. Perrot, J. P. Javerzat, and C. Barreau. 1989. Development and use of vectors for Podospora anserina. In Proceeding of the EMBO-Alko Workshop on Molecular Biology of Filamentous Fungi. H. Nevalainen, and M. Pentillä, eds. v. 6. Foundation for Biotechnical and Industrial Fermentation research. p. 41-49.

17. Beisson-Schecroun, J. 1962. Incompatibilité cellulaire et interactions nucléo-cytoplasmiques dans les phénomènes de "barrage" chez le "Podospora anserina". Doctorat d'Etat, Université de Paris, centre d'Orsay.

18. Belcour, L. 1986. Sénescence et mitochondrie. Doctorat d'Etat, Université Paris-Sud.

19. Belcour, L., O. Begel, and M. Picard. 1991. A site-specific deletion in mitochondrial DNA of Podospora is under the control of nuclear genes. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 88:3579-3583.

20. Belcour, L., M. Dequard- Chablat, and M. Picard. 1991. Délétion site-spécifique de l'ADN mitochondrial sous le contrôle de deux gènes nucléaires. Médecine/Sciences. 7:628-629.

21. Belcour, L., M. Rossignol, F. Koll, C. H. Sellem, and C. Oldani. 1997. Plasticity of the mitochondrial genome in Podospora. Polymorphism for 15 optional sequences: group-I, group-II introns, intronic ORFs and an intergenic region. Curr Genet. 31:308-317.

22. Belcour, L., A. Sainsard-Chanet, C. Jamet-Vierny, and M. Picard. 1999. Stability of the mitochondrial genome in Podospora anserina and its genetic control. In Mitochondrial diseases: models and methods. P. Lestienne, ed. Springer-Verlag. p. 209-228.

23. Bennoun-Picard, M. 1973. Mise en évidence d'une unité de transcription polygénique et de suppresseurs informationnels chez l'ascomycète Podospora anserina : analyse génétique. Doctorat d'Etat, Paris-Sud, 159 p.

24. Berges, T., and C. Barreau. 1989. Heat shock at an elevated temperature improves transformation efficiency of protoplasts from Podospora anserina. J Gen Microbiol. 135:601-604.

25. Bernet, J. 1965. Mode d'action des gènes de "barrage" et relation entre l'incompatibilité cellulaire et l'incompatibilité sexuelle chez Podospora anserina. Doctorat d'Etat, Université de Paris.

26. Bernet, J. 1988. Podospora growth control mutations inhibit apical cell anastomosis and protoperithecium formation. Exp Mycol. 12:217-222.

27. Bernet, J. 1991. Aerial organs and cell death in Podospora anserina mutants: relationship with protoplasmic incompatibility. Exp Mycol. 15:215-222.

28. Bernet, J. 1992. A gene suppressing the allelic protoplasmic incompatibility specified by genes at five different loci in Podospora anserina. J Gen Microbiol. 138:2567-2574.

29. Bernet, J. 1992. In Podospora anserina, protoplasmic incompatibility genes are involved in cell death control via multiple gene interactions. Heredity. 68:79-87.

30. Berteaux-Lecellier, V. 1995. Clonage et analyse de deux gènes intervenant dans le développement précoce des fructifications chez Podospora anserina : identification du premier homologue non mammalien du gène PAF1 (syndrome de Zellweger). Doctorat d'Université, Université-Paris-Sud, accession number 3775, 206 p.

31. Berteaux-Lecellier, V., M. Picard, C. Thompson-Coffe, D. Zickler, A. Panvier-Adoutte, and J. M. Simonet. 1995. A nonmammalian homolog of the PAF1 gene (Zellweger syndrome) discovered as a gene involved in caryogamy in the fungus Podospora anserina. Cell. 81:1043-1051.

32. Berteaux-Lecellier, V., D. Zickler, R. Debuchy, A. Panvier-Adoutte, C. Thompson-Coffe, and M. Picard. 1998. A homologue of the yeast SHE4 gene is essential for the transition between the syncytial and cellular stages during sexual reproduction of the fungus Podospora anserina. EMBO J. 17:1248-1258.

33. Boisnard, S. 2003. Identification et rôle des transporteurs ABC peroxysomaux dans le développement sexué du champignon filamenteux Podospora anserina. Doctorat d'Université, Université Paris-Sud, 176 p.

34. Boisnard, S., D. Zickler, M. Picard, and V. Berteaux-Lecellier. 2003. Overexpression of a human and a fungal ABC transporter similarly suppresses the differentiation defects of a fungal peroxisomal mutant but introduces pleiotropic cellular effects. Mol. Microbiol. 49:1287-1296.

35. Borghouts, C. 1999. Mitochondriale-nukleäre Interaktionen als Grundlage von Alterungsprozessen bei dem Ascomyceten Podospora anserina. Dissertation, Logos, Berlin.

36. Borghouts, C., S. Kerschner, and H. D. Osiewacz. 2000. Copper-dependence of mitochondrial DNA rearrangements in Podospora anserina. Curr Genet. 37:268-275.

37. Borghouts, C., E. Kimpel, and H. D. Osiewacz. 1997. Mitochondrial DNA rearrangements of Podospora anserina are under the control of the nuclear gene grisea. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 94:10768-10773.

38. Borghouts, C., and H. D. Osiewacz. 1998. GRISEA, a copper-modulated transcription factor from Podospora anserina involved in senescence and morphogenesis, is an ortholog of MAC1 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Mol Gen Genet. 260:492-502.

39. Borghouts, C., and H. D. Osiewacz. 2000. Nuclear-mitochondrial interactions involved in aging in Podospora anserina. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 908:291-294.

40. Borghouts, C., C. Q. Scheckhuber, O. Stephan, and H. D. Osiewacz. 2002. Copper homeostasis and aging in the fungal model system Podospora anserina: differential expression of PaCtr3 encoding a copper transporter. Int J Biochem Cell Biol. 34:1355-1371.

41. Borghouts, C., C. Q. Scheckhuber, A. Werner, and H. D. Osiewacz. 2002. Respiration, copper availability and SOD activity in P. anserina strains with different lifespan. Biogerontology. 3:143-153.

42. Borghouts, C., A. Werner, T. Elthon, and H. D. Osiewacz. 2001. Copper-modulated gene expression and senescence in the filamentous fungus Podospora anserina. Mol Cell Biol. 21:390-399.

43. Boucherie, E. 1979. L'incompatibilité protoplasmique chez le champignon Podospora anserina : caractérisation et régulation des variations physiologiques associées, relation avec la différenciation des organes reproducteurs femelles. Doctorat d'Etat, Université Bordeaux 2, accession number 21, 145 p.

44. Bouex, P. 2001. Etudes de protéines impliquées dans le métabolisme de l'ADN mitochondrial du champignon Podospora anserina. Doctorat d'Université, Université Bordeaux 2.

45. Bouex, P., M. Sabourin, S. Chaignepain, M. Castroviejo, and P. Laquel-Robert. 2002. Purification and characterization of an endo-exonuclease from Podospora anserina mitochondria. Biochim Biophys Acta. 1574:72-84.

46. Bourges, N. 1998. Caractérisation de gènes induits durant l'incompatibilité végétative chez le champignon filamenteux Podospora anserina. Doctorat d'Université, Université Bordeaux 2, 132 p.

47. Bourges, N., A. Groppi, C. Barreau, C. Clavé, and J. Bégueret. 1998. Regulation of gene expression during the vegetative incompatibility reaction in Podospora anserina. Characterization of three induced genes. Genetics. 150:633-641.

48. Contamine, V. 1997. Contrôle nucléaire d'un cas d'instabilité du génome mitochondrial chez le champignon filamenteux Podospora anserina. Doctorat d'Université, Université Paris-Sud, 90 p.

49. Contamine, V., G. Lecellier, L. Belcour, and M. Picard. 1996. Premature death in Podospora anserina: sporadic accumulation of the deleted mitochondrial genome, translational parameters and innocuity of the mating types. Genetics. 144:541-555.

50. Contamine, V., and M. Picard. 1998. Escape from Premature Death Due to Nuclear Mutations in Podospora anserina: Repeal versus Respite. Fungal Genet Biol. 23:223-236.

51. Coppin, E. 2002. The fle1 gene encoding a C2H2 zinc finger protein co-ordinates male and female sexual differentiation in Podospora anserina. Mol Microbiol. 43:1255-1268.

52. Coppin, E., S. Arnaise, V. Contamine, and M. Picard. 1993. Deletion of the mating-type sequences in Podospora anserina abolishes mating without affecting vegetative functions and sexual differentiation. Mol Gen Genet. 241:409-414.

53. Coppin, E., and R. Debuchy. 2000. Co-expression of the mating-type genes involved in internuclear recognition is lethal in Podospora anserina. Genetics. 155:657-669.

54. Coppin, E., R. Debuchy, S. Arnaise, and M. Picard. 1997. Mating types and sexual development in filamentous ascomycetes. Microbiol Mol Biol Rev. 61:411-428.

55. Coppin-Raynal, E. 1982. L'imprécision de la traduction : son contrôle par le ribosome et son rôle biologique chez le champignon Podospora anserina. Doctorat d'Etat, Université Paris-Sud, accession number 2650, 285 p.

56. Coppin-Raynal, E., M. Dequard-Chablat, and M. Picard. 1988. Genetics of ribosomes and translational accuracy in Podospora anserina. In Genetics of translation: new approaches. M. Tuite, M. Picard, and M. Bolotin-Fukuhara, eds. v. H14. Springer-Verlag. p. 431-442.

57. Coppin-Raynal, E., M. Picard, and S. Arnaise. 1989. Transformation by integration in Podospora anserina. III. Replacement of a chromosome segment by a two-step process. Mol Gen Genet. 219:270-276.

58. Coustou, V., C. Deleu, S. Saupe, and J. Bégueret. 1997. The protein product of the het-s heterokaryon incompatibility gene of the fungus Podospora anserina behaves as a prion analog. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 94:9773-9778.

59. Coustou, V., C. Deleu, S. J. Saupe, and J. Bégueret. 1999. Mutational analysis of the [Het-s] prion analog of Podospora anserina. A short N-terminal peptide allows prion propagation. Genetics. 153:1629-1640.

60. Coustou-Linares, V. 2000. Un modèle prion : études génétique et fonctionnelle de la protéine HET-s chez le champignon filamenteux Podospora anserina. Doctorat d'Université, Université Bordeaux 2.

61. Coustou-Linares, V., M. L. Maddelein, J. Bégueret, and S. J. Saupe. 2001. In vivo aggregation of the HET-s prion protein of the fungus Podospora anserina. Mol Microbiol. 42:1325-1335.

62. Crouzet, M. 1984. Etude des mutations ribosomiques chez Podospora anserina. Doctorat d'Etat, Université Bordeaux 2, accession number 44, 123 p.

63. Cummings, D. J., and J. M. Domenico. 1988. Sequence analysis of mitochondrial DNA from Podospora anserina. Pervasiveness of a class I intron in three separate genes. J Mol Biol. 204:815-839.

64. Cummings, D. J., J. M. Domenico, and F. Michel. 1988. DNA sequence and organization of the mitochondrial ND1 gene from Podospora anserina: analysis of alternate splice sites. Curr Genet. 14:253-264.

65. Cummings, D. J., J. M. Domenico, and J. Nelson. 1989. DNA sequence and secondary structures of the large subunit rRNA coding regions and its two class I introns of mitochondrial DNA from Podospora anserina. J Mol Evol. 28:242-255.

66. Cummings, D. J., J. M. Domenico, J. Nelson, and M. L. Sogin. 1989. DNA sequence, structure, and phylogenetic relationship of the small subunit rRNA coding region of mitochondrial DNA from Podospora anserina. J Mol Evol. 28:232-241.

67. Cummings, D. J., K. L. McNally, J. M. Domenico, and E. T. Matsuura. 1990. The complete DNA sequence of the mitochondrial genome of Podospora anserina. Curr Genet. 17:375-402.

68. Cummings, D. J., F. Michel, J. M. Domenico, and K. L. McNally. 1990. DNA sequence analysis of the mitochondrial ND4L-ND5 gene complex from Podospora anserina. Duplication of the ND4L gene within its intron. J Mol Biol. 212:269-286.

69. Cummings, D. J., F. Michel, J. M. Domenico, and K. L. McNally. 1990. Mitochondrial DNA sequence analysis of the cytochrome oxidase subunit II gene from Podospora anserina. A group IA intron with a putative alternative splice site. J Mol Biol. 212:287-294.

70. Cummings, D. J., F. Michel, and K. L. McNally. 1989. DNA sequence analysis of the 24.5 kilobase pair cytochrome oxidase subunit I mitochondrial gene from Podospora anserina: a gene with sixteen introns. Curr Genet. 16:381-406.

71. Cummings, D. J., F. Michel, and K. L. McNally. 1989. DNA sequence analysis of the apocytochrome b gene of Podospora anserina: a new family of intronic open reading frame. Curr Genet. 16:407-418.

72. Dalstra, H. J. P., K. Swart, A. J. M. Debets, S. J. Saupe, and R. F. Hoekstra. 2003. Sexual transmission of the [Het-s] prion leads to meiotic drive in Podospora anserina. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 100:6616-6621.

73. Debuchy, R. 1987. Mise au point d'un système de transformation du champignon filamenteux Podospora anserina et recherche de séquences susceptibles d'assurer l'autonomie de réplication. Doctorat d'Université, Université Paris 6.

74. Debuchy, R. 1999. Internuclear recognition: A possible connection between euascomycetes and homobasidiomycetes. Fungal Genet Biol. 27:218-223.

75. Debuchy, R., S. Arnaise, and G. Lecellier. 1993. The mat- allele of Podospora anserina contains three regulatory genes required for the development of fertilized female organs. Mol Gen Genet. 241:667-673.

76. Debuchy, R., and E. Coppin. 1992. The mating types of Podospora anserina: functional analysis and sequence of the fertilization domains. Mol Gen Genet. 233:113-121.

77. Debuchy, R., E. Coppin-Raynal, D. Le Coze, and Y. Brygoo. 1988. Chromosome walking towards a centromere in the filamentous fungus Podospora anserina: cloning of a sequence lethal at a two-copy state. Curr Genet. 13:105-111.

78. Deleu, C. 1993. Analyse moléculaire du locus het-s et étude de l'expression des allèles het-s et het-S responsables d'incompatibilité végétative chez le champignon filamenteux Podospora anserina. Doctorat d'Université, Université Bordeaux 2.

79. Deleu, C., C. Clavé, and J. Bégueret. 1993. A single amino acid difference is sufficient to elicit vegetative incompatibility in the fungus Podospora anserina. Genetics. 135:45-52.

80. Deleu, C., B. Turcq, and J. Bégueret. 1990. repa, a repetitive and dispersed DNA sequence of the filamentous fungus Podospora anserina. Nucleic Acids Res. 18:4901-4903.

81. Dementhon, K. 2003. La mort cellulaire par incompatibilité : caractérisation d'un facteur de transcription bZIP induit lors de la réaction d'incompatibilité chez Podospora anserina. Doctorat d'Université, Université Bordeaux 2.

82. Dementhon, K., M. Paoletti, B. Pinan-Lucarre, N. Loubradou-Bourges, M. Sabourin, S. J. Saupe, and C. Clavé. 2003. Rapamycin Mimics the Incompatibility Reaction in the Fungus Podospora anserina. Eukaryot Cell. 2:238-246.

83. Dequard- Chablat, M. 1987. Identification de sept protéines ribosomiques impliquées dans le contrôle de la fidélité de la traduction chez un eucaryote: le champignon Podospora anserina. Doctorat d'Etat, Université Paris-Sud, accession number 3278, 246 p.

84. Dequard-Chablat, M. 1991. Translation, oncogenesis and myopathies. Trends Genet. 7:240-241.

85. Dequard-Chablat, M., and C. Alland. 2002. Two copies of mthmg1, encoding a novel mitochondrial HMG-like protein, delay accumulation of mitochondrial DNA deletions in Podospora anserina. Eukaryot Cell. 1:503-513.

86. Dequard-Chablat, M., and A. Rötig. 1997. Homologous and heterologous expression of a ribosomal protein gene in Podospora anserina requires an intron. Mol Gen Genet. 253:546-552.

87. Dequard-Chablat, M., and C. H. Sellem. 1994. The S12 ribosomal protein of Podospora anserina belongs to the S19 bacterial family and controls the mitochondrial genome integrity through cytoplasmic translation. J Biol Chem. 269:14951-14956.

88. Dos Reis, S., B. Coulary-Salin, V. Forge, I. Lascu, J. Bégueret, and S. J. Saupe. 2002. The HET-s prion protein of the filamentous fungus Podospora anserina aggregates in vitro into amyloid-like fibrils. J Biol Chem. 277:5703-5706.

89. Dufour, E. 2000. Liens entre activité respiratoire et vieillissement chez le champignon filamenteux Podospora anserina. Doctorat d'Université, Université Paris 7, 189 p.

90. Dufour, E., J. Boulay, V. Rincheval, and A. Sainsard-Chanet. 2000. A causal link between respiration and senescence in Podospora anserina. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 97:4138-4143.

91. Espagne, E. 2000. Contribution à l'étude des systèmes non alléliques d'incompatibilité végétative chez le champignon filamenteux Podospora anserina. Doctorat d'Université, Université Bordeaux 2, accession number 739, 156 p.

92. Espagne, E., P. Balhadere, J. Bégueret, and B. Turcq. 1997. Reactivity in vegetative incompatibility of the HET-E protein of the fungus Podospora anserina is dependent on GTP-binding activity and a WD40 repeated domain. Mol Gen Genet. 256:620-627.

93. Espagne, E., P. Balhadere, M. L. Penin, C. Barreau, and B. Turcq. 2002. HET-E and HET-D belong to a new subfamily of WD40 proteins involved in vegetative incompatibility specificity in the fungus Podospora anserina. Genetics. 161:71-81.

94. Fassbender, S., K. H. Bruhl, M. Ciriacy, and U. Kück. 1994. Reverse transcriptase activity of an intron encoded polypeptide. EMBO J. 13:2075-2083.

95. Fernandez-Larrea, J., and U. Stahl. 1996. Isolation and characterization of a laccase gene from Podospora anserina. Mol Gen Genet. 252:539-551.

96. Fincham, J. R. 1989. Transformation in fungi. Microbiol Rev. 53:148-170.

97. Frese, D., and U. Stahl. 1992. Oxidative stress and ageing in the fungus Podospora anserina. Mech Ageing Dev. 65:277-288.

98. Gagny, B. 1998. Influence du système de synthèse protéique cytosolique sur la sénescence du champignon filamenteux Podospora anserina. Doctorat d'Université, Université Paris 6, 142 p.

99. Gagny, B., M. Rossignol, and P. Silar. 1997. Cloning, sequencing, and transgenic expression of Podospora curvicolla and Sordaria macrospora eEF1A genes: relationship between cytosolic translation and longevity in filamentous fungi. Fungal Genet Biol. 22:191-198.

100. Gagny, B., and P. Silar. 1998. Identification of the genes encoding the cytosolic translation release factors from Podospora anserina and analysis of their role during the life cycle. Genetics. 149:1763-1775.

101. Glass, N. L., and S. Saupe. 2002. Vegetative incompatibility in filamentous Ascomycetes. In Molecular Biology of Fungal Development. H. D. Osiewacz, ed. Dekker, M., New York. p. 109-131.

102. Graïa, F. 2000. Découverte d'un mécanisme d'inactivation génique apparenté au RIP (repeat-induced point mutation) et caractérisation d'un gène impliqué dans les mouvements nucléaires chez Podospora anserina. Doctorat d'Université, Université Paris-Sud, 158 p.

103. Graïa, F., V. Berteaux-Lecellier, D. Zickler, and M. Picard. 2000. ami1, an orthologue of the Aspergillus nidulans apsA gene, is involved in nuclear migration events throughout the life cycle of Podospora anserina. Genetics. 155:633-646.

104. Graïa, F., O. Lespinet, B. Rimbault, M. Dequard-Chablat, E. Coppin, and M. Picard. 2001. Genome quality control: RIP (repeat-induced point mutation) comes to Podospora. Mol Microbiol. 40:586-595.

105. Hamann, A. 2000. Charakterisierung repetitiver Sequenzen bei Hyphenpilzen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Ascomyceten Podospora anserina. Dissertation, Logos, Berlin.

106. Hamann, A., F. Feller, and H. D. Osiewacz. 2000. The degenerate DNA transposon Pat and repeat-induced point mutation (RIP) in Podospora anserina. Mol Gen Genet. 263:1061-1069.

107. Hamann, A., F. Feller, and H. D. Osiewacz. 2000. Yeti-a degenerate gypsy-like LTR retrotransposon in the filamentous ascomycete Podospora anserina. Curr Genet. 38:132-140.

108. Hamann, A., and H. D. Osiewacz. 1998. Genome analysis of filamentous fungi: identification and characterization of an unusual GT-rich minisatellite in the ascomycete Podospora anserina. Curr Genet. 34:88-92.

109. Heinen, U. 1991. Mitochondriale Genexpression bei Pilzen: Moleculare Analysen zur nukleo-zytoplasmatischen Wechselwirkung. Dissertation, Dissertationes Botanicae, Cramer, Berlin, Stuttgart, vol: 166.

110. Hermanns, J. 1992. Mitochondriale Genomveränderungen und Altern: Struktur und Funktion eines lineren Plasmides einer langlebigen Mutante von Podospora anserina. Dissertation, Bibliotheca Mycologica, Cramer, Berlin, Stuttgart, vol: 142.

111. Hermanns, J., A. Asseburg, and H. D. Osiewacz. 1994. Evidence for a life span-prolonging effect of a linear plasmid in a longevity mutant of Podospora anserina. Mol Gen Genet. 243:297-307.

112. Hermanns, J., A. Asseburg, and H. D. Osiewacz. 1995. Evidence for giant linear plasmids in the ascomycete Podospora anserina. Curr Genet. 27:379-386.

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