Neurospora tetrasperma bibliography - Additions

David D. Perkins - Department of Biological Sciences, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305-5020.

During the evolutionary divergence of N. tetrasperma from the eight-spored Neurospora species, ascus development was reprogrammed with the result that each of the four large ascospores is heterokaryotic, containing nuclei of both mating types, and germlings are self-fertile. Unique features of genome oganization, cell biology, and population structure have attracted investigators to use this pseudohomothallic, four-spored species for a wide range of studies. A bibliography listing 164 publications was published in 1994 in Fungal Genetics Newsletter 41:72-78. Eighty-six additional publications are listed here. In addition to recent papers, these include some theses, abstracts, and papers that were omitted from the previous list.

Fungal Genet. Newsl. 50:24-26

Adhvaryu K.K., and R. Maheshwari. 2002. Heterogeneity in NTS of rDNA in localized populations of Neurospora. Curr. Sci. 82:1015-1020.

Agarwal, C. P., and R. K. S. Chauhan. 1976. Neurospora tetrasperma: New record of its occurrence in Indian soil and its cellulolytic activity. Proc. Indian Nat. Sci. Acad., Part B: Biol. Sci. 42:122-124.

Ardizzi, J. P., and A. M. Srb. 1981. "E-like" ascospore excision mutants in Neurospora tetrasperma resistant to either p-DL-fluorophenylalanine or methyl benzimidazol-2-yl carbamate. Neurospora Newslett. 28:6.

Arganoza, M. T., J. Min, Z. Hu, and R. A. Akins. 1994. Distribution of seven homology groups of mitochondrial plasmids in Neurospora: Evidence for widespread mobility between species in nature. Curr. Genet. 26:62-73.

Attoh, G. T. 1986. Ribosomal DNA systematics of homothallic species of Neurospora: A phylogenetic analysis. Ph.D. thesis, Howard University: Diss. Abstr. Intl. 47-10B:4060.

Belmans, D. L., A. J. van Laere, and J. A. van Assche. 1983. Effect of n-alcohols and high pressure on the heat activation of Neurospora tetrasperma ascospores. Arch. Microbiol. 134:49-51.

Bennett, S. M., and H. B. Howe, Jr. 1977. Development of the sexual cycle in Neurospora tetrasperma. Assoc. Southeast Biol. Bull. 24:36-37. (Abstr.)

Bhat, A., and D. P. Kasbekar. 2001. Escape from repeat-induced point mutation of a gene-sized duplication in Neurospora crassa crosses that are heterozygous for a larger chromosome segment duplication. Genetics 157:1581-1590.

Bistis, G. N. 1996. Trichogynes and fertilization in uni- and bimating type colonies of Neurospora tetrasperma. Fungal Genet. Biol. 20:93-98.

Bok, J.-W., and A. J. F. Griffiths. 2000. Possible benefits of kalilo plasmids to their Neurospora hosts. Plasmid 43:176-180.

Bok, J.-W., C. He, and A. J. F. Griffiths. 1999. Transfer of Neurospora kalilo plasmids among species and strains by introgression. Curr. Genet. 36:275-281.

Buller, A. H. R. 1943. Sex and inheritance of lethal factors in Neurospora tetrasperma. Unpublished manuscript deposited in the Library of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. [See G. R. Bisby. 1950. Editor's note in A. H. R. Buller. Researches on Fungi, vol.7, p. xv. Univ.Toronto Press.

Burk, A. G., and S. M. Srb. 1977. Effect of biotin deficiency on formation of ascospores in Neurospora tetrasperma. Genetics 86:s8-s9. (Abstr.)

Calhoun, W. F. 1971. Inhibition of perithecial development in Neurospora tetrasperma. Ph.D. Thesis, Univ. Georgia. Diss. Abstr. 32:5342-B.

Calhoun, F., and H. B. Howe, Jr. 1972. Alpha-glucose and beta-glucose utilization by Neurospora tetrasperma. Microbiologica 5:53-56.

Cutter, V. M., Jr. 1946. The chromosomes of Neurospora tetrasperma. Mycologia 38:693-698.

Debets, A., A. van Mourik, A. J. F. Griffiths, and R. F. Hoekstra. 2001. Stable polymorphism for the kalilo senescence plasmid in Hawaiian populations of Neurospora. Fungal Genet. Newslett. 48 (Suppl.):62. (Abstr.)

Dettman, J. R., F. M. Harbinski, and J. W. Taylor. 2001. Ascospore morphology is a poor predictor of the phylogenetic relationships of Neurospora and Gelasinospora. Fungal Genet. Biol. 34:44-61.

Dettman, J. R., D. J. Jacobson, and J. W. Taylor. 2002. Phylogenetic species recognition in Neurospora. Fungal Genet. Newslett. 49 (Suppl.):19. (Abstr.)

Dettman, J. R., and J. W. Taylor. 2003. Microsatellite evolution in Neurospora. Fungal Genet. Newslett. 50 (Suppl.):144. (Abstr.)

Dettman, J. R., D. J. Jacobson and J. W. Taylor. 2003. A multilocus geneological approach to phylogenetic species recognition in the model eukaryote Neurospora. Evolution (accepted subject to revision)

Dodge, B. O. 1932. The non-sexual and the sexual functions of microconidia of Neurospora. Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 59:347-360.

Dodge, B. O. 1939. A new dominant lethal, E, in Neurospora tetrasperma. Science 89:401. (Abstr.)

Dodge, B. O., J. R. Singleton, and A. Rolnick. 1948. Studies relative to a temporary reversion of Neurospora tetrasperma to an 8-spored type. Science 108:680. (Abstr.)

Duran, R., and P. M. Gray. 1989. Nuclear DNA, an adjunct to morphology in fungal taxonomy. Mycotaxon 36:205-219.

Freitag, M., R. L. Williams, G. O. Kothe, and E. U. Selker. 2002. A cytosine methyltransferase homologue is essential for repeat-induced point mutation in Neurospora crassa. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 99:8802-8807.

Gallegos, A., D. J. Jacobson, M. P. Skupski, G. Saenz, and D. O. Natvig. 1998. Recombination on the mating-type chromosome in Neurospora tetrasperma. Neurospora 1998 (Asilomar Conference), p.20. (Abstr.)

Gallegos, A., D. J. Jacobson, N. B. Raju, M. P. Skupski, and D. O. Natvig. 2000. Suppressed recombination and a pairing anomaly on the mating-type chromosome of Neurospora tetrasperma. Genetics 154:623-633.

Gilles, A. 1953. Évolution nucléaire chez Neurospora tetrasperma. Proc 7th Intern. Bot. Congr. (1950), Stockholm, 432-433. (Abstr.)

Goddard, D. R. 1935. The reversible heat activation inducing germination and increased respiration in the ascospores of Neurospora tetrasperma. J. Gen. Physiol. 19:45-60.

He, C., N. de Groot, J. W. Bok, and A. J. F. Griffiths. 2000. Kaliilo plasmids are a family of four distinct members with individual global distributions across species. Curr. Genet. 37:39-44.

Howe, H. B., M. Viswanath Reddy, and S. N. Bennett. 1974. Protoperithecial and polyol mutatnts of Neurospora tetrasperma. Genetics 77:S32. (Abstr.)

Howe, H. B., M. Viswanath Reddy, and S. N. Bennett. 1975. Polyol non-utilizing mutatnts of Neurospora tetrasperma. Genetics 80:s43. (Abstr.)

Ito, T., and T. Yokoyama. 1988. Microfungi from soils of bonfire sites at Mt. Daisen, Japan. Trans. Mycol. Soc. Jpn. 29:235-248.

Jacobson, D. J. 1994. Sexual and vegetative incompatibility as factors controlling reproductive success of the pseudohomothallic fungus Neurospora tetrasperma. Abstracts 5th Mycol. Congr., Vancouver, p. 100.

Jacobson, D. J. 1995. Sexual dysfunction associated with outcrossing in Neurospora tetrasperma, a pseudohomothallic ascomycete. Mycologia 87:604-617.

Johnson, J. W. 1963. Genetic studies of Neurospora tetrasperma. M.S. Thesis. Cornell University.

Lee, S. B. 1990. Molecular evolution of fungi: Mitochondrial inheritance in Neurospora tetrasperma and phylogenetics and identification of Phytophthora spp. using rDNA. Ph.D. thesis, University of California, Berkeley. Diss. Abstr. Intl. 52-04B:1864.

Lee, S. B., and J. W. Taylor. 1990. Isolation of DNA from fungal mycelia and single spores. p. 282-287. In: Innis, M. A., et al. (Eds.) PCR Protocols: A Guide to Methods and Applications. Academic Press, San Diego.

Lee, S. B., and J. W. Taylor. 1993. Uniparental inheritance and replacement of mitochondrial DNA in Neurospora tetrasperma. Genetics 134:1063-1075.

Lewis, M. T., and J. F. Feldman. 1996. Evolution of the frequency (frq) locus in ascomycete fungi. Mol. Biol. Evol. 13:1233-1241.

Lingappa, B. T., and A. S. Sussman. 1958. The endogenous substrates of dormant and geminating ascospores of Neurospora tetrasperma. Plant Physiol. 33:x. (Abstr.)

Lowry, R. J., and A. S. Sussman. 1968. Ultrastructural changes during germination of ascospores of Neurospora tetrasperma. J. Gen. Microbiol. 51:403-409.

Lumley, T. C., S. P. Abbott, and R. S. Currah. 2000. Microscopic ascomycetes isolated from rotting wood in the boreal forest. Mycotaxon 74:395-414.

Marcinko-Kuehn, M., X. Yang, F. Debets, D. J. Jacobson and A. J. F. Griffiths. 1994. A kalilo-like linear plasmid in Louisiana field isolates of the pseudohomothallic fungus Neurospora tetrasperma. Curr. Genet. 26:336-343.

Merino, S. T. 1996. Molecular analysis of sexual development genes in two Neurospora species (Neurospora crassa, Neurospora tetrasperma). Ph.D. thesis, University of New Mexico. Diss. Abstr. Intl.57-10B:6019.

Merino, S. T., M. A. Nelson, D. J. Jacobson, and D. O. Natvig. 1996. Pseudohomothallism and evolution of the of the mating-type chromosome in Neurospora tetrasperma. Genetics 143:789-799.

Metzenberg, R. L., and T. A. Randall. 1995. Mating type in Neurospora and closely related ascomycetes: Some current problems. Can. J. Bot. 73 (Suppl. 1):S251-S257.

Nasrallah, J. B., and A. M. Srb. 1978. Immunofluorescent localization of a phase-specific protein in Neurospora tetrasperma perithecia. Exper. Mycol. 2:211:215.

Natvig, D. O., D. J. Jacobson, M. P. Skupski, and A. Gallegos. 1997. Pseudohomothallism and evolution of Neurospora tetrasperma. 19th Fungal Genetics Conference, Asilomar. p. 6. (Abstr.)

Nysterakis, F. 1954. Résistance de Neurospora tetrasperma aux fortes doses d'auxine et relation avec l'hypothèse de l'existence des "métabolites antiauxines." Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris 238:143-145.

Nysterakis, F. 1955. Obtention de nombreuses souches de Neurospora tetrasperma par l'acide indol- -acétique. Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris 241:1331-1333.

Nysterakis, F. 1956. La sensibilité inégale de Nectria gailigena et Neurospora tetrasperma aux doses d'acides indol- -acétique serait due a leur capacité différente de synthétiser des corps antagonistes de l'action inhibitrice de l'auxine. Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris 242:1056-1058.

Nysterakis, F. 1956. Quelques charactéristiques des souches obtenues à partir de Neurospora tetrasperma soumis à l'action de l'acide indol- -acétique. Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris 242:1354-1356.

Nysterakis, F. 1959. Augmentation et diminution dans le temps de la crossance pondérale de Neurospora tetrasperma par une seule et même dose d'auxine. Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris 248:1022-1025.

Nysterakis, F. 1960. Développement normal sans biotine exogène de quelques souches de Neurospora tetrasperma. Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris 250:1706-1708.

Nysterakis, F. 1972. Importance de la souche et de la composition du milieu dans la photoinduction d'un rythme circadien de zonations chez Neurospora tetrasperma. Compt Rend. Acad. Sci. Sér. D. 274:1667-1670.

Ott, M., and J. Ardizzi. 1989. The effects of griseofulvin on the vegetative growth and sexual phase development of the fungus Neurospora tetrasperma Dodge. J. Pennsylvania Acad. Sci. 63:181-185.

Pandit, A., and R. Maheshwari. 1996. Life history of Neurospora intermedia in a sugar cane field. J. Bioscience 21:57-79.

Perkins, D. D., 1994 Neurospora tetrasperma bibliography. Fungal Genet. Newslett. 41:72-78.

Perkins, D. D., 1994 Neurospora tetrasperma helper strains using the gene E. Fungal Genet. Newslett. 41:71.

Plesofsky-Vig, N., A. Paulson, E. P. Hill, L. Glaser, and R. Brambl. 1992. Heat shock gene expression in germinating ascospores of Neurospora tetrasperma. FEMS Microbiol. Letters 90:117-122.

Pöggeler, S. 1999. Phylogenetic relationships between mating-type sequences from homothallic and heterothallic ascomycetes. Curr. Genet 36:222-231.

Powell, A., 2001. Non-self recognition and population biology in Neurospora tetrasperma, a pseudohomothallic ascomycete. Ph.D. thesis, University of New Mexico. Diss. Abstr. Intl. 62-06B:2589.

Powell, A. J., G. S. Saenz, J. G. Stam, D. J. Jacobson, and D. O. Natvig. 1999. Allelic diversity at the het-c locus of Neurospora tetrasperma poses an evolutionary dilemma. Fungal Genet. Newslett. 46 (Suppl.):87. (Abstr.)

Powell, A. J., D. J. Jacobson, and D. O. Natvig. 2001. Allelic diversity at the het-c locus of Neurospora tetrasperma confirms outcrossing in nature and poses an evolutionary dilemma for pseudohomothallic ascomycetes. J. Mol. Evol. 52:94-102.

Powell, A. J., D. J. Jacobson, L. Salter, and D. O. Natvig. 2003. Variation among natural isolates of Neurospora on small spatial scales. Mycologia (in press).

Raju, N. B., and D. J. Jacobson. 1999. Incomplete chromosome pairing is correlated with a recombination block on the mating-type chromosome of Neurospora tetrasperma. Fungal Genet. Newslett. 46 (Suppl.):87. (Abstr.)

Raju, N. B., and D. D. Perkins. 1994. Diverse programs of ascus development in pseudohomothallic species of Neurospora, Gelasinospora and Podospora. Develop. Genet. 15:104-118.

Raju, N. B., and D. D. Perkins. 1999. Programmed ascospore death in the homothallic ascomycete Coniochaeta tetraspora. Fungal Genet. Newslett. 46 (Suppl.):88. (Abstr.)

Raju, N. B., and D. D. Perkins. 2000. Programmed ascospore death in the homothallic ascomycete Coniochaeta tetraspora. Fungal Genet. Biol. 30:213-221.

Raju, N. B., and A. G. Burk. 2001. The genetic basis of abnormal ascospore morphology in Neurospora. Fungal Genet. Newslett. 48 (Suppl.):142. (Abstr.).

Randall, T. A., and R. L. Metzenberg. 1995. Species-specific and mating type-specific DNA regions adjacent to mating type idiomorphs in the genus Neurospora. Genetics 140:119-136.

J.P. Ramussen, A.H. Taylor, L.-J. Ma, S. Purcell, F. Kempken, and D.E.A Catcheside. 2003. Guest, a transposable element belonging to the Tc1/mariner superfamily is an ancient invader of Neurospora genomes. Fungal Genet. Biol. (Submitted)

Saenz, G. S., J. G. Stam, D. J. Jacobson, and D. O. Natvig. 2001. Heteroallelism at the het-c locus contributes to sexual dysfunction in outcrossed strains of Neurospora tetrasperma. Fungal Genet. Biol. 34:123-129.

Saenz, G. S., D. J. Jacobson, W. D. Dvorachek, and D. O. Natvig. 2003. Sympatric biological and phylogenetic species among pseudohomothallic isolates identified as Neurospora tetrasperma. Fungal Genet. Newslett. 50 (Suppl):144. (Abstr.)

Shiu, P. K. T., 2000. Mating-type-associated vegetative incompatibility in Neurospora crassa. Ph.D. thesis, University of British Columbia. Diss. Abstr. Intl. 62-01B:29.

Shiu, P K. T., and N. L. Glass. 2000. Cell and nuclear recognition mechanisms mediated by mating type in filamentous ascomycetes. Curr. Opinion Microbiol. 3:183-188.

Shiu, P K. T., N. B. Raju, D. Zickler, and R. L. Metzenberg. 2001. Meiotic silencing by unpaired DNA. Cell 107:905-916.

Skupski, M. P., D. A. Jackson, and D. O. Natvig. 1997. Phylogenetic analysis of heterothallic Neurospora species. Fungal Genet. Biol. 21:152-161.

Taylor, J. W., G. May, and D. O. Natvig. 1983. Homology among mitochondrial plasmids of Neurospora tetrasperma and Neurospora intermedia. Mycol. Soc. Am. Newslett. 34:37.

Thompson-Coffe, C., G. Borioli, D. Zickler, and A. L. Rosa. 1999. Pyruvate decarboxylase filaments are associated with the cortical cytoskeleton of asci and spores over the sexual cycle of filamentous ascomycetes. Fungal. Genet. Biol. 26:71-80.

Turian, G. and M. Viswanath-Reddy. 1971. Metabolic and ultrastructural aspects of sexual differentiation in Allomyces and Neurospora. J. Indian Bot. Sci., Golden Jubilee Vol. 50A:78-89.

Turner, B. C., and D. D. Perkins. 2001. Neurospora from natural populations: A global study. Fungal Genet. Biol. 32:67-92.

Viswanath-Reddy, M. 1972. Aspects of protoperithecial morphogenesis in Neurospora. Thèse No. 1590, Université de Genève.

Viswanath-Reddy, M., and G. Turian. 1972. Temperature-induced synchronous differentiation of ascogonia in Neurospora. Experientia 28:99-100.

Weaver, M. A. 1971. A quantitative study of heterokaryosis and hybridization in Neurospora tetrasperma. M. Sc. Thesis, Univ. of Birmingham, U.K. 54 p.

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