Symbols used in Aspergillus files


 Ab      Aberration                 
 BC      Back Cross                 
 C       Cross                     
 D       Gene Disruption 
 DES     diethyl sulfate         
 g       gamma rays                                   
 INAH    isonicotinic acid hydrazide   
 NA      nitrous acid           
 NG      nitrosoguanidine            
 S       spontaneous             
 T       Translocation               
 UV      ultraviolet   
 X       X-rays              
 4-NQO   4-nitroquinoline oxide


AJC   A.J. Clutterbuck
AP    Andrzej Paszewski
BRO   Berl O. Oakley
BRS   Barry R. Scott
BWB   B.W. Bainbridge
CFR   C.F. Roberts
CJB   C.J. Bos
EP    E. Pees
GD    Gordon Dorn        
GJOJ  G.J.O Jansen 
GSM   Gregory S. May     
HNA   Herbert N. Arst
JLA   J.L. de Azevedo
JMF   J.M. Foley
JMvT  J.M. van Tuyl
M     Montreal (E. Kafer)
MAM   Maria A. Mayorga
MAS   Mary A. Stringer
MG    M. Grindle  
MJH   M.J. Hynes             
NRM   N.R. Morris
RB    Renato Bonatelli
RG    Roy Gravel
RHP   R.H. Pritchard
RTR   R.T. Rowlands
RWT   R.W. Tuveson
WM    W. McCullough
WT    W. Timberlake 
YP    Yarir Parag                            

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Last modified 4/15/97 KMC