FGSC Aspergillus Homepage Archive, 2009




Asperfest 7 will be March 28, 2010 (evening) and March 29, 2010 (full day) at the NH Conference Centre Leeuwenhorst in The Netherlands immediately before ECFG 10.  The meeting will feature a variety of the best work in Aspergillus species. Get details on abstract submission and register online at: http://www.ecfg10.info/. Early registration for ECFG closes December 19, so don't delay.


Students: This year students have a special reduced registration rate thanks to the generosity of Steve Osmani and Gustavo Goldman who donated royalties from their Aspergillus book for student support. 
We will also have student poster prizes again, so be sure to submit a poster abstract


New Investigators:  We will have a session this year featuring new investigators.  If you have been an assistant professor or equivalent with your own group for 6 years or less, please email me at aspergillus@plantbio.uga.edu  with a tentative title and a brief description of your work (2-4 sentences).


Programs from Asperfest-6 and other Aspergillus meetings can be found on our homepage. (http://www.fgsc.net/Aspergillus/asperghome.html).

Check out the new FGSC Strain and Plasmid catalog interfaces.


The 2009 Aspergillus Bibliography is now available online as part of Fungal Genetics Reports, 56.





The final program and minutes from AsperFest 6 are now available online as are several photos:





News from the AspGD

Orthologs and syntenic regions

 AspGD users can now navigate from A. nidulans genes to orthologs and syntenic regions in the other sequenced Aspergillus species. Links are available from the Locus Summary page that navigate to an interactive comparative visualization tool (please see this example). 

Alternatively, the ortholog clusters can be searched for gene name from any Aspergillus species, at http://aspgd.igs.umaryland.edu/

Orthologs among the sequenced Aspergillus genomes were generated via a modified mutual best hit (MBH) approach, in which close paralogs are collapsed into a single node prior to MBH clustering.

 AspGD is using Sybil, an open source, web-based software package for searching and visualizing  comparative genome data (http://sybil.sf.net).

A paper entitled "The Aspergillus Genome Database, a curated comparative genomics resource for gene, protein and sequence information for the Aspergillus research community" will appear in the 2010 Database Issue of Nucleic Acids Research. The paper is now available online as a Nucleic Acids Research Advance Access article.




6th International Aspergillus Meeting
March 15-17, 2009
Asilomar, California

Asperfest 6 will be held as a satellite meeting at the 25th Fungal Genetics Conference





Pontecorvo Lecture by

Professor Herb Arst  
Imperial College, London

Asperfest6 Final Program
(Now with abstracts! Updated 3/11/09)

GSA Asperfest 6 page




January 2009

Postdoctoral position

The Institute of Microbiology and Genetics, Dept. of Molecular Microbiology and Genetics at the Georg-August-University of Goettingen invites applications for a  Postdoctoral position (salary class 13 TV-L) within the BMBF-project “ERA-Net PathoGenoMics: Transcriptional networks controlling virulence in fungal pathogens” for at least three years

Area of research:   Molecular analysis of the growth of Aspergillus fumigatus mutants in blood.

Prerequisite:  Ph.D. in biology or biochemistry/molecular biology with focus on genetic/biochemistry and/or cell biology. Experience with filamentous fungi and bioinformatics will be of advantage but not required.

The University aims to increase the number of female scientific staff employed and expressly requests applications from qualified women. In the framework of the legal requirements and in the case of equal qualifications, women will be considered preferentially in all areas in which they are under-represented.

Disabled persons will also be considered preferentially in the case of equal aptitude.

Written applications should be sent to Prof. Dr. Gerhard Braus, Institut für Mikrobiologie und Genetik, Abt. Molekulare Mikrobiologie und Genetik, Grisebachstr. 8, D-37077 Göttingen. E-mail: gbraus@gwdg.de until March 1st , 2009.
Please send only copies of your documents (no originals). We will not be able to send back your application and all documents will be destroyed after 3 months.


Scientific Curator

The Aspergillus Genome Database (http://www.aspgd.org/) is a new collaborative project between Jennifer Wortman's group at the University of Maryland School of Medicine and Gavin Sherlock's group in the Department of Genetics at Stanford Medical School (which is also responsible for the Candida Genome Database). AspGD has an open position for a scientific curator, available immediately at Stanford University. Ideally, the successful candidate will have a Ph.D. in molecular biology or microbiology, with experience in Aspergillus or another fungal system. More details about the position are available online

All applications must be submitted through the Stanford jobs website.


The PFGRC at JCVI has made a set of 70 knock out cassettes for A. fumigatus available. Starting in January, 2009 you will also be able to order up to 12 custom A. fumigatus knock out cassettes of your choice. See more info at: http://pfgrc.jcvi.org/index.php/gateway_clones/available_knockouts.html

The PFGRC at J Craig Venter Institute is calling for white paper proposals. These are essentially mini-grants that allow collaboration between individual researchers and JCVI on Gene Expression studies, Comparative Genomics, Gene Knock Outs, Proteomics and Bioinformatics as well as associated methodologies and technologies.
Pre-proposal deadline December 12, 2008
Final proposal deadline is January 19, 2009.

For more information see:
White Paper Requests - http://pfgrc.jcvi.org/index.php/white_papers/white_papers_main.html
Submission Process - http://pfgrc.jcvi.org/index.php/white_papers/white_papers_requests.html
Review and Selection Process - http://pfgrc.jcvi.org/index.php/white_papers/white_papers_review.html

October 28, 2008

Asperfest6 registration is available at the GSA  webpage

Online abstract submission is via the FGSC website.



September 29, 2008


Professor Herb Arst of Imperial College, London, will present the Pontecorvo Lecture at the 6th International Aspergillus Meeting.


September 15, 2008

Asperfest 6 will be held as a satellite meeting at the 25th Fungal Genetics Conference at Asilomar.
The meeting will commence Sunday, March15 with an evening reception and will continue with scientific sessions until Noon on Tuesday, March 17.


March 11, 2008


The program and abstracts for the 5th International Aspergillus meeting are available online.

Please see the updated Asperfest5 home page


January 11, 2008


January 2008 new strain update (pdf)





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