2015 Novozymes Poster Prize Winners
For student poster prizes those pictured L to R are: Amanda Fischer (Judge, Novozymes),
Stephen Dolan (Maynooth University), Damien Downes (Kansas State University), Tiffany Norton
(University of South Alabama), Franziska Wanka (Technical University of Berlin), Fang Yun Lim
(University of Wisconsin-Madison), Elixabet Oiartzabal (University of the Basque Country), and Paul
Dyer (Judge, University of Nottingham). Other judges,
not pictured: Jennifer Wortman (Broad) and Clay
Wang (Univ of S. California).
2015 AGRPC
Momany, Chair, 2015-2017, University of Georgia, USA; mmomany@uga.edu
Isabelle Benoit, 2015-2017, CBS-KNAW Fungal Biodiversity Ctr, Netherlands, i.benoit@cbs.knaw.nl
Nancy Keller, 2015-2017, University of Wisconsin Madison, USA, npkeller@wisc.edu
Nick Read, 2015-2017, University of Manchester, UK, nick.read@manchester.ac.uk
Paul Dyer, 2013-2015, University of Nottingham, Paul.Dyer@nottingham.ac.uk
Mikael R.
Andersen, 2013-2015, Technical University of Denmark (DTU), mr@bio.dtu.dk
Antonis Rokas, 2013-2015,
Vanderbilt University, antonis.rokas@vanderbilt.edu
Cramer, 2013-2015, Dartmouth, robert.a.cramer.jr@dartmouth.edu
Braus, 2014-2016, Georg-August-University Goettingen,
Germany; gbraus@gwdg.de
Bignell, 2014-2016, University of Manchester, UK; elaine.bignell@manchester.ac.uk
Vera Meyer, 2014-2016, Berlin University of Technology, Germany;
David Cánovas, 2014-2016, University of Seville, Spain; davidc@us.es
Kevin McCluskey (Ex officio),
Curator, Fungal Genetics Stock Center; mccluskeyk@ksu.edu