The U.S. Federation for Culture Collections

Minutes of the Meeting of the Executive Board

May 4, 1997, Miami Beach, Fla.


The 1997 Meeting of the Executive Board of the United States Federation for Culture Collections was called to order at 1:05 pm by Marianna Jackson, President. Also present were David Boone (Secretary), Barry Bochner, Bobby Brandon, Gina Koenig, Sally Meyer, and Cynthia Wang. Karen Kealy and Calvin Qualset were represented by proxy. George Huang arrived at 2:11 pm. Keith Bostian arrived at 2:30 pm.

Minute 1. Approval of Minutes. The minutes of the 1996 Executive Board Meeting were approved unanimously.

Minute 2. Treasurer's Report. Bobbie Brandon presented the Treasurer's report, which was approved unanimously. The Board considered the investment of $26,850.40 in the Merrill Lynch Fund (government securities) may be too conservative, and it recommended that the Treasurer should discuss with Merrill Lynch advisors whether a moderate fund might be more appropriate. David Boone will also determine how the Bergey’s Board invests its funds for the Bergey Award, and Marianna Jackson will seek the advice of Jim Karwowski as well. Input should be forwarded to the Treasurer by June 15, 1997. If the advice from these outside sources differs from our plan, the Board should discuss the options via e-mail to help the Treasurer decide how to invest the funds.

Minute 3. Program Committee. Gina described the program in the upcoming SIM meeting.

Minute 4. Nominating Committee. Steve Peterson has not yet finalized the list of nominees for election as At-Large Board members. The Board hopes that the process will be completed very soon.

Minute 5. Editorial Committee. The Board acknowledged the huge contribution of Alma Dietz as publisher of the Newsletter. The Board felt that its members should be more forthcoming with articles for publication in the Newsletter.

Minute 6. Databases of Culture Collections. Keith Bostian (Chair of the Culture Collection Subcommittee of American Society for Microbiology [ASM]) suggested that ASM and USFCC co-sponsor a session in the 1998 General Meetings of the ASM. The Porter Award may also be scheduled at that session. He also described efforts of the ASM to develop a proposal for a simple database of culture collections in the United States.

Minute 7. Appreciation for Service of Alma Dietz. A resolution was passed unanimously to thank Alma Dietz for her years of exemplary service to the USFCC. A note of thanks should be accompanied by flowers.

Minute 8. Membership. Marianna Jackson will appoint Jim Lord as membership chair, and to help him another person (yet to be determined) to help solicit new Sustaining Members. We should also encourage current members to bring in their colleagues into the USFCC. If each member brought in just one new member, we could double the size of the USFCC.

Minute 9. Archives. Our archives should be collected and sent to Maryland, either as our own archives or as part of the ASM’s archives.

Minute 10. Endangered Collections. A list of endangered collections has been placed on the web page. Marianna Jackson will appoint a new chair of the committee, and David Boone will continue to list the endangered collections of which we become aware. Also it was suggested that links be developed between USFCC’s list of endangered collections and the list of the World Federation of Culture Collections.

Minute 11. J. Roger Porter Award. Jennie Hunter-Cevera and Ray Cypess were appointed as USFCC’s representative to the J. Roger Porter Award selection committee. We need to get USFCC members to make additional nominations for the Award.

Minute 12. Liaison memberships.

  1. American Institute of Biological Science (AIBS). Frank Simione retired as USFCC’s representative to AIBS, and Marianna appointed Bobbie Brandon as the new representative;
  2. International Union of Microbiological Societies (IUMS). Marianna Jackson will represent USFCC in the ICSB;
  3. Association of Systematic Collections (ASC). The ASC has requested that the USFCC re-join the ASC by paying dues of $100. The Board felt that the ASC and USFCC should be mutually be members of the other society. Marianna will write a letter to them suggesting this.

Minute 13. Approval of the 1997 Budget. The motion to approve the following budget for 1997 was approved unanimously:

  • $2,000 Porter Award expenses, including a $1,000 prize and travel expenses for the recipient;
  • $5,000 Newsletter expenses (the current issue cost approximately $1,000 for 12 pages);
  • $200 Arrangements for the Executive Board Meeting;
  • $300 Affiliation dues and other costs;
  • $100 Treasurer's office expenses;
  • $100 Secretary's office expenses;
  • $1,500 Expenses of the Program committee;
  • $200 Endangered-collections committee;
  • $250 Membership solicitations; and
  • $100 Publicity.

Minute 14. Dues. A motion to increase the dues was unanimously approved. The new annual dues rate beginning in 1998 is $12 for Emeritus and Student Members, $25 for Regular Members, $45 for Affiliate Members, and $200 for Sustaining Members. The next request for dues payment should solicit contributions to the USFCC’s general fund and to the Porter Award Endowment.

Minute 15. Convention on Biological Diversity. Documents describing the Convention on Biological Diversity were circulated and discussed. It was agreed that this is an important topic and the contents of the documents should be summarized in the Newsletter.

The meeting was adjourned at 5:00pm.

U.S. Federation for Culture Collections / David R. Boone / e-mail: