United States Federation for Culture Collections
Draft (Unapproved) Minutes of Executive Board Meeting
May 19, 2001
Peabody Hotel, Orlando, Florida

Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 1:15 pm by Jay Grimes, USFCC President.
Approval of Minutes
The minutes of the previous meeting of the Executive Board held May 21, 2000, in Los Angeles were approved.
Secretary's Report
The accuracy of member's mailing list was discussed. Only approximately 60% of the email addresses on the Fall 2000 list are effective. Cynthia Wang and Mary Meeker will work together to update the mailing list.
President's Report
The president delayed her report until later in the meeting, as a part of New Business.
Treasurer's Report
The treasurer submitted her report. Operating expenses totaled approximately $7,500 for the fiscal year of 2000, exceeding revenues by approximately $2,400. The treasurer reorganized USFCC's investment and report positive results from money market funds. Donation was reported high last year and not as high this year. The treasurer predicted that income from money market can compensate the deficit. The Board appreciated the treasurer's efforts and decided that investment should remain conservative. A financial audit will be carried out in June 2001.
The budget approved for the fiscal year 2001/2002 remains the same:
- $3,000 for Porter Award
- $6,000 for Newsletter publication
- $400 for dues to other societies (such as AIBS and IUMS)
- $1,000 for Executive Board Meeting
- $100 for secretary's expenses
- $300 for treasurer's expenses
Standing and Ad Hoc Committee Reports
Financial Committee
Financial Committee was dissolved.
Nominations Committee
The search for Officer candidates is yet completed. Gina Koenig will continue the effort. Due to change of her professional field, Cynthia Wang will leave her post of USFCC secretary and Newsletter editor. Marianna Jackson will be contacted for the possibility of succession.
Quarterly Newsletter Requirements
The requirements for particular issues of the Newsletter are stated in the by-laws. However, it was understood that the editor should decide the final contents of each issue based on needs.
Old Business
Possibility of an electronic newsletter was revisited, as part of the cost deduction discussions. The preference of USFCC members will be investigated by a survey that will be sent to each member with the next membership renewal notice. It was agreed that both printed and electronic forms of the newsletter should exist to satisfy members' need.
Micah Krichevsky pointed out that the major cost of newsletter publication was the type-setting and suggested that type-setting be done by the editor. No conclusion was reached.
New Business
Kenya Society for Microbiology. Micah Krishevsky reported his visit to Kenya. He was invited to present to keynote speech to the Kenya Society for Microbiology.
USFCC Workshops and Symposia. Micah Krishevsky pointed out the lack of workshop/guidelines to instruct new curators to set up a culture collection. It is possible that USFCC fills the gap.
AIBS Membership List Exchange and ½ Page Ad Exchange. The treasurer reported her contact with AIBS pertaining to the exchange of member's list and ad. The Board approved the exchange. M. Meeker will compose an ad for AIBS.
OECD Biological Resource Centers. The president made a brief description of the new workforce for BRCs led by France. What is the role USFCC can play?
USFCC and ASM. With the participation of ASM President Martha Howe and Officers Ron Atlas and Carol Colgan, the Board discussed USFCC's relationship with ASM. Howe explained the current situation of Society of Protozoologists. Colgan commented on the situation of USFCC/J. Porter Award and suggested that changes be made. A committee for ASM relationship and Award reformation was created. Members include Grimes, Koenig, and Krichevsky.
The meeting adjourned at 4:10 p.m.
Submitted by Cynthia Wang, Secretary.
U.S. Federation for Culture Collections / David R. Boone / e-mail: BooneD@pdx.edu |